Ulpiano Suarez appointed Horacio Chiavazza coordinator of the reform of the Founding District

Ulpiano Suarez appointed Horacio Chiavazza coordinator of the reform of the Founding District
Ulpiano Suarez appointed Horacio Chiavazza coordinator of the reform of the Founding District

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Work in the Foundation Area.

Ulpiano Suarez’s visit to the Founding District

Ulpiano Suarezmade a new visit to the facilities of Saint Vincent of Paulone of the points that is included in the megaproject Founding District. She did it together with the team from the Ministry of Environment and Urban Development, headed by Sebastian Fermanialready Horacio Chiavazzawho has joined as coordinator of the Founding District.

The commune reported that what “is sought is to create a own identity of the district, which hierarchical, identify within the environment and enhance its development. Furthermore, among other objectives, it is intended to generate a sector attractive and dynamic for residence, leisure, education, supply, labor, commercial and tourism development and, thus, revitalize a strategic area for the City of Mendoza and the province, developing the proposal with broad participation from the different sectors and with a main role of the neighbors”.

Suarez explained: “The project Founding District continues to advance and we are happy to add to a professional and specialist in the matter as Horacio Chiavazza. He will be in coordination with teachers and students of the Archeology major at UNCuyo, as well as other references on the subject, of the excavations that began on the grounds of San Vicente de Paul, to protect and value the history of the place. “We continue working to position the Founding District as a central axis of the City’s transformation.”

The voice of an expert

Horacio Chiavazza, doctor in Anthropology, graduate in History and master’s degree in Social Archeology of Ibero-America, detailed During the tour, the job that is being developed: “We are in a process of diagnosis of patrimonial potential that this property has, its ground level stands out for the construction projected by Daniel Ramos Correas, on which the contest ideas and projects together with Alameda and the Fundamental District. In this case we have developed with UNCuyo a project of archaeological analysis, to see the potential that the site has, to put into value the remains that could be preserved from old church matrix, and produce a diagnosis that we make of the substrate so that the projects have inputs when projecting their ideas.”

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Suarez and Chiavazza with students of Tourism, Archeology and History.

For the work, a school of archeology winter, with students from the Tourism, Archeology and History majors. This group is doing excavations archaeological, in a total of about 10 square meters, distributed in sectors of 2 square meters, in which diagnosing this succession that can go back to indigenous and colonial stages, also to the construction of the temples of the matrix and even the city cathedral that collapsed with the earthquake of 1861, when it was practically 100 years old.

Adolfo Cueto, professor and doctor in History, pointed out: “I am collaborating from the point of view historicalgiving a talk about the historical part, where we can talk about the existence of a building that has been mutating over time, prior to the establishment in this place of what is the San Vicente de Paul institution.”

The research of the School of Archeology continues until the July 5th with the studies, but since Foundation Area San Francisco Ruins Research Center, with archaeologists belonging to the municipality, will continue to process materials, a interpretation of what was found and a proposal for possibilities of valuing the site as was done in the case of House of San Martin.

Recently, an exhibition was held in which Ulpiano Suarez himself and the president of the College of Architects of Mendoza, Leticia Martínez, participated, where different technical aspects were detailed that will be included in the terms and conditions of the important national contest. With this, we seek a Master Plan of Ideas for the Fourth Section sector included between San Martín, Corrientes, Maipú and Costanera streets, to which will be added urban projects that are strategic for the City, such as the “Reactivation of Paseo Alameda” and the “Reconversion of San Vincent de Paul.

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The work carried out in the Foundation Area is meticulous.

Actions continue

From June 24 to July 5, archaeological investigations will be carried out in the former San Vicente de Paul home-former Matriz de Mendoza church. They will contribute valuable information historical basis for those who apply to develop the project idea in the Fundamental District urban planning competition which will be implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Urban Development of the municipality.

In this context, the heritage studies of the property, in front of Pedro del Castillo Square, at the founding point of the City, where a program of archaeological investigations will be carried out to expand knowledge of the city’s past. It will be from the foundation of 1561 to the earthquake of 1861 and the subsequent development of buildings that conclude with the currently standing (former home) of great architectural heritage value.

The excavations seek to diagnose the archaeological potential preserved in the substrate, to provide inputs that serve to expand the valuation of the project to enhance the area in general and the property in particular. The work is coordinated with the Second Archaeological Field School, with teachers and students from the Archeology, History and Tourism courses of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. This will be articulated with the UNCuyo University Extension Secretariat.

The emblematic space housed from the early times to the main church of the city, transforming it into the axis of transcendental events for the province until earthquake of 1861 that produced its total destruction. There, on January 5, 1817, José de San Martín swore the flag of the liberating army and then addressing the Virgin of Carmen de Cuyo, he gave her his baton.

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Source: Municipality of the City of Mendoza.

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