They denounce a factory of fraudulent certificates for not working

They denounce a factory of fraudulent certificates for not working
They denounce a factory of fraudulent certificates for not working

The government of Black river He dismissed a doctor from General Roca who had presented trout certificates after a complaint from the provincial leader Alberto Weretilneck for falsification and defrauding the State.

Claudia Alejandra Elisandro He is a pediatrician, he works in Francisco López Lima Hospital from the city of Rock and was charged with several serious offenses from February 1 to March 29. The doctor also abandoned the medical treatment indicated by the Horizonte Occupational Risk Insurance Company (ART).

Based on the report of the specific case of the Rio Negro Government, it was warned the same mechanism in other localities of the provincewhere false documents were presented that allowed absence from work.

According to the provincial Cabinet, “the Disciplinary Board unanimously resolved her dismissal after verifying that the professional, who had requested leave due to a work accident, issued 65 medical certificates during said period, which constitutes improper use of the license and a breach of current regulations.

Río Negro: they denounce a network of certified trout

“Between December 2023 and May 2024, the two doctors from General Roca and Villa Regina that we denounced before the Justice, they delivered 472 certificates to workers of the Police from Río Negro, Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. They operated in different locations in the province and issued the certificates through WhatsApp, without prior consultation,” Wertilneck added through his official account on the X account (former Twitter).


The Government of Río Negro denounces more than 6,000 days not worked by public employees.

And he noted: “This translates into 6602 days not worked that the Province incurred a cost of more than $400,000,000 -added the governor-. This is the amount that all of us in Rio Negro had to pay for people who obtained illegal licenses and did not show up to work properly. When we talk about falsification of certificates, we also talk about the negative economic impact that this type of behavior has for the provincial State.”

The governor assured that “we will continue until the doctors we have under investigation lose their registration professional, we are not going to allow them to continue to harm the provincial State and all the people of Rio Negro by practicing illegally.

They denounce doctors for signing fraudulent certificates

Tania Lastra, Secretary of Public Service, revealed the detection of many employees treated by the same doctor in different parts of Río Negro.

In the scenario of absences within the provincial State, the secretary revealed the finding of “a medical certificate factory that were sold to the public agents who requested them”.

“The certificates had a price according to the number of days indicated and also according to the specialty or pathology. The psychiatric certificates were among the most expensive,” the official added in detail.


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