They will re-analyze the olfactory tests on the former sailor’s truck due to a schedule incompatibility

They will re-analyze the olfactory tests on the former sailor’s truck due to a schedule incompatibility
They will re-analyze the olfactory tests on the former sailor’s truck due to a schedule incompatibility

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichstressed that the investigations carried out at the time regarding the Loan case “they will be reanalyzed”especially the olfactory test that was carried out in the car of the marriage of María Victoria Caillava and Carlos Pérez.

“The case is at a different stage. The important thing is that all the highly specialized teams are there with a commissioner who is an expert in searching for people and complex operations to accompany justice in each of the steps,” said the official.

Bullrich recounted details of the meeting he had with federal judge Cristina Elizabeth Pozzer Penzo and the provincial prosecutors. There he commented on the doubts surrounding the case. “We were talking yesterday with the provincial prosecutors who have a blind spot, there is a moment where part of the family goes to an orange tree and from there Loan was no longer found,” he began to say.

Then he went deeper and raised his objections about the car that leaves the house, the truck that belongs to the Caillava and Pérez couple. “There is no moment where a car leaves, there is no noise before. The (car) that left, had left before, there is no indication that shows that moment so you have to look at the situation in great detail. Who extracted it, how, in what vehicle, in what way. The moment where all traces are lost,” said the Minister in dialogue with TN.

There they consulted him about the olfactory expertise carried out on the cars that the couple has. Bullrich confirmed that they will be reviewed again and did not rule out that they will be carried out again. “Those skills are going to be looked at again. That skill is going to be thoroughly analyzed again.” which is the only one that indicates that Loan could have been in a car, but that car left earlier, that’s why you have to think about what that operation was like without the noise of engines, without crying, without anything,” he said.

This point raised by Bullrich contradicts what was stated by Caillava and by grandmother Catalina, who stressed that the couple was still in the field when Loan had already disappeared. According to the prosecution’s first hypothesis, the couple could have taken Loan out of the field aboard the van. White Ford Ranger with the excuse of going to see the Riestra-River game. That truck is one of the two cars where Loan’s olfactory trail was tested positive.

Bullrich once again stressed that they will continue with the searches, although without ruling out the possibility of leaving the country. “We spoke with the judge about continuing the search because there are areas where there are plains, others where there are not, there are low, dense forests, swamps, animals,” he said, and reaffirmed that the different forces “sent the best of each one, the most specialized.”

“We do not rule out that they have taken him out of the country. Many calls came with the Paraguayan tip, as well as others who worked with the Brazilian police,” he clarified.

Regarding the work of local prosecutors, Bullrich defended the work and said that at first “no one could think that they took him.” “It’s a very lonely place, you can hear a voice in the distance, an engine. That’s why the first hypothesis was the search,” he commented on ruling out the possibility of a kidnapping at the beginning of the investigation.

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