Expectation for key expertise in the Loan case: the Federal Police already has the cell phones of the accused

Expectation for key expertise in the Loan case: the Federal Police already has the cell phones of the accused
Expectation for key expertise in the Loan case: the Federal Police already has the cell phones of the accused

The accused at their preventive detention hearing

Federal Justice has already started with its first key measures after receiving the investigation to determine what happened to Loan Danilo Peña. In the last hours, The Federal Police received the telephone numbers of the six accused to carry out the forensic extraction of their information, with a request made by PROTEX, the wing of the Attorney General’s Office that investigates trafficking crimes, which intervenes in the case, as confirmed by sources in the case. Infobae, who announced the measure yesterday.

The expertise could be done during the day tomorrowother researchers assert.

The original prosecutors searching for Loan, Juan Castillo and Guillermo Barrythey had assured in their press conference to say goodbye to the case that Information was found in the telephone investigations carried out by the Corrientes Police which served as evidence to support the accusation of trafficking. However, among the papers that they sent to the federal Justice when sending the file, nothing was seen that is useful for an accusation of recruitment for exploitation purposes, be it sexual, labor or a spurious adoption. It was only found an expertise on Mónica Millapi’s phoneone of the first detainees, as well as a “preliminary report.”

Anyway, PROTEX was already determined to assess all the devices, based on the superiority of the PFA’s expert technology. The idea of ​​investigating the cause “from scratch” does not only include analyzing phones. The new prosecutors, under Judge Cristina Pozzer Penzo, open the entire range of possibilities that also includes, a homicide, a crime.

María, Loan’s mother, assures that her son was not lost

PFA members traveled to Corrientes at the beginning of this week to work on the ground, hours before the request for transfer to federal jurisdiction was formalized, with personnel of the Human Trafficking Division and the Crimes against Personal Freedom areawhich belonged to the historic Anti-kidnapping Division.

Until now, the participation of the Federal had been at least limited. Without access to the file, the original prosecutors of the case, Juan Castillo and Guillermo Barry, had ordered the provincial divisions of the PFA to search with dogs for Loan in Resistencia, in the raids on the properties of Carlos Pérez and María Caillava, the main accused. Now, the story changes.

There is also evidence of impacts of the defendants’ cell phone antenna in the area of ​​9 de Julio among the documents received, an analysis carried out by the Gendarmerie. Federal Justice will seek to deepen this studywith a request to the DAJUDECO -the Directorate of Judicial Assistance in Complex Crimes and Organized Crime of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation- to survey all the antennas in the area and determine all the telephones that passed through there, another vitally important expertise.

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