A marathon for organ donation

A marathon for organ donation
A marathon for organ donation

In order to commemorate organ donation, the marathon will be run on Sunday 30th “Gift of Life”organized by the Single Center for Donation, Ablation and Implantation of Organs and Tissues (Cudaio) of the provincial Ministry of Health, the Municipality of the city of Santa Fe and the Santa Fe Marathoners Association.

In room 5 of the Belgrano Station the event was presented in a press conference headed by the director of Cudaio, Cecilia Andrada; the mayor of the city, Juan Pablo Poletti and the representative of Maratonistas Santafesinos, Leonardo Laperchia; who provided details of the activity.

The start will be at 9 at the city’s Undersecretariat of Sports, located at Almirante Brown 5294. The route that will take place on the Santa Fe waterfront will be under the distances of 10k competitive and 5k recreational. There will also be a 3k walk, kids race and a “ploggin” course.

The director of Cudaio, Cecilia Andrada, indicated that “this marathon is one of the activities we carry out throughout the province to promote organ donation and build a donor society together.”

“We believe that building a donor society depends on everyone and that is why the participation of all members of the Santa Fe community is important. Although we have a legal system that works very well, related to donation and transplantation, we want to build a society that is pro-donation and that expresses itself in an affirmative way,” said Cecilia Andrada.

“Definitely, we want Santa Fe to be a donor city and province, and from the municipality we are going to support the Ministry of Health and Cudaio in all the actions carried out in this regard. On this occasion we are also adding a modality of participation that has to do with the care of the environment that the city needs,” emphasized Mayor Juan Pablo Poletti.

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