Tap thief must serve a sentence of more than 3 years in prison

As a result of the abbreviated trial, it was decided to sentence a man to serve an effective sentence of 8 months in prison for breaking a tap. Additionally, sentences were accumulated resulting in a single sentence of 3 years and 1 month in prison with effective compliance, with a declaration of recidivism and preventive detention.

Identified by judicial sources as Matías Roberto García, the accused admitted to being the author of the crime that occurred on Monday, June 24, around 11:20.

Police personnel from Cría No. 27 were patrolling in the Aramburu neighborhood when they observed García in the grated patio of an apartment, throwing the shower faucet outside from inside the same, and then trying to escape by climbing the grating. He was immediately detained with two bronze griffins in his pockets.

After interviewing the owner of the home, it was confirmed that the taps and faucets belonged to the place where the suspect tried to steal them. This 27-year-old individual was charged with robbery aggravated by attempted burglary.


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