Ezequiel Lescano and Carolina Marquez will represent Entre Ríos

Many Entre Ríos artists stand out and represent the province in different provinces of Argentina and countries around the world. On this occasion, UNO presents Ezequiel Lescano and Carolina Marquez, a dance couple that is successful in the field of tango and has participated in various competitions representing the people of Entre Ríos.

Ezequiel Lescano and Carolina Marquez
In dialogue with UNO, Lescano said: “I am 44 years old and I was born in Hasenkamp, ​​Entre Ríos, with a teaching profession in the area of ​​Economics, I am also a dancer and Tango Instructor residing in Paraná. Carolina was born in Seguí but a few months later she came to live in Paraná.” The couple shares stages, competitions and life. They have a 7-year-old daughter, Josefina. “My beginnings in tango occurred in a different way than perhaps many approach dance. At that time, in 2000, I was a student of the International Trade Technician and within the study plan was the subject Fairs and Business Rounds, and I wanted to investigate how to approach a final practical work, and as surely many know, football, Meats and tango are those products that make Argentina known in the world. At that moment, looking for theoretical material to know what the topic was about, between going and waiting, I ended up staying in the world of tango,” he said.

“About my first performances I remember some where I did another style within the Ballet Argentino Tango Joven in the Hasenkamp a Puro Tango, with the stellar presence of Ricardo Chiqui Pereira, legendary voice, but luckily, and the search to know more, I can only say that by forming a stable couple since 2013 with my current partner, the path taken has been one of growth, managing to exhibit in various Argentine provinces such as the Latin American Meeting in Paso de La Patria Corrientes, the Villa María Tango Festival, the International Festival of Tucumán, Milongas in Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Buenos Aires, Tucumán, Mendoza among others, make some trips to Venezuela, Brazil and Chile, highlighting classes at the National Dance Corps in Caracas, or presentations at the Festival Mundo en Danza, Brazil, and the Valparaíso Tango Festival in Chile”.

Lescano and Marquez over the years established themselves as one of the most representative couples of tango. They currently offer workshops, seminars and different activities in which they also invite representatives from different countries to exchange knowledge and gain new experiences, both themselves and the students who participate in the activities. “Together we have traveled many paths, milongaing, social dancing, studying, teaching classes, taking classes, exhibiting on stages and in milonguera dance floors, competitions in which we divided into two stages, one stage that we viewed as merely going to participate and then the pandemic where it awakened our interest in going out and looking for results, where little by little, with ups and downs, we began to see each other more frequently in tournament finals until we achieved our first victory in 2022, being the winners of the final in Traditional Festival Tango National of Baradero, then in 2023 we won the Tangazo in Chaco, we were Champions of the Nito and Elba Cup in the professional category and winners of the Brandsen Festival, and this great present where we recently became Champions of the Official Preliminary of Tango Ba Subsede Rosario, which two months before the World Cup in August allows us to have already qualified and advanced to the semifinal stage of the aforementioned championship.”

In addition, Lescano said that today, with his partner Carolina, they enjoy what they do much more because of the connection and the mischief they were able to achieve after so many years of working together. “Nowadays, by dancing more in competitions and having established ourselves more in milonga spaces, the tango scene stops having a plane like a stage itself could be, the milonga is a social space, the public that attends is more dynamic, it is on all fronts, different from a festival with a stage and public from only one front. So, in response to that, we always seek to be connected with each other, to offer our dance to our partner, improvising musically and choreographically speaking, and from the outside we understand that this is valued differently. As an aside, it is valid to clarify that when I talk about improvising I do not mean being improvised,” he clarified.

Tango World Cup 2024
At present, the couple is one hundred percent connected to the opportunity to participate in the tango world cup. “We want to be consistent with our form and style of dancing, avoid being a replica or copying others, continue with that slow and steady walk. Until now we have been doing interesting and outstanding things, acting in Argentina and in some nearby countries, perhaps more paths will emerge in the future. On the other hand, beyond dancing we are event organizers and we have a project that has been consolidated in the environment to which we will continue to bet, it has already been held for three editions and it is the Abriles Tango Festival, which has managed to attract dancers from almost all of Argentina and abroad”. In recent days, the preliminaries of the 2024 Tango World Cup were held, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, the qualifying stages of Tango Festival and 2024 World Cup are already taking place, a series of official championships held with the participation from private organizers or state entities from different cities in the country and the world.

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