A student from San Juan suffers a piranha robbery a few meters from the Civic Center

A student from San Juan suffers a piranha robbery a few meters from the Civic Center
A student from San Juan suffers a piranha robbery a few meters from the Civic Center
Illustrative image.

This Tuesday, a young student suffered a violent piranha robbery, in the evening hours. It happened when she was leaving the 21st Century University, at the headquarters located near the Civic Center, by Ignacio de la Roza and Segundino Navarro Avenues.

According to judicial sources, the victim is an 18-year-old young man, who had left the academic headquarters to return to his home. However, about seven criminals attacked him and beat him to strip him of his belongings.

The victim said that they had followed him to Segundino Navarro Street, where other subjects were also waiting for him. They cornered him and subdued him violently and, with threats, they took his backpack, cell phone and wallet with all his documents.

Given this, the young man decided to return to the University headquarters, where he reported what happened to him and they helped him alert the 911. In this framework, members of the 4th Police Station They made tours, so they found the backpack abandoned in the vicinity of the robbery.

Now, everything is under investigation, under the coordination of the UFI Crimes against Property, by the prosecutor Cristian Gerarduzzi.


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