Weather forecast for Córdoba today: what the weather will be like on Thursday, June 27, 2024

The weather for today in Córdoba. Today in Córdoba, a partially cloudy day is expected with temperatures that will range between 8.6°C and 24.3°C.

Today’s Forecast

Today in Córdoba, partly cloudy weather is forecast during the first hours of the day. The minimum temperature will reach 8.6°C and the maximum will be around 24.3°C, offering a cool but pleasant morning. This Thursday, the chance of precipitation is low, with relative humidity sitting at 36%, making the environment feel quite dry.

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Weather forecast for today afternoon and evening in Córdoba

During the afternoon and evening, weather conditions will remain stable with some scattered clouds. Wind speed will also increase slightly, reaching an average speed of 24 km/h at its peak. The minimum humidity will decrease to 11%, contributing to a rather dry thermal sensation.

Today's Forecast

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What time does the sun rise and what time does it set this Thursday, June 27, 2024

The sun will rise at 08:16 and set at 18:24. These schedules are important for those people who plan outdoor activities or need to adjust their work and study schedules.

Find out the extended weather forecast by entering the weather status today in Argentina: Check the maximum and minimum temperatures, and the probability of rain.


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