Ministry of Culture for a Cuba in “summer mode” – Periódico Invasor

Ministry of Culture for a Cuba in “summer mode” – Periódico Invasor
Ministry of Culture for a Cuba in “summer mode” – Periódico Invasor

For the summer stage, which will take place from June 29 to August 31 throughout the country, the Ministry of Culture of Cuba (Mincult) foresees more than 126,000 activities in the six art manifestations and 84 events that are held in the institutional, municipal, provincial and national levels.

During the press conference that took place at the Abelardo Estornino theater, Agustín Pérez González, director of Cultural Programs at the Mincult, informed the press that the cultural proposals that have been organized by the institutions are varied, supporting cultural democratization as a basic principle. of the cultural policy of the Cuban nation.

He said that more than 2,245 cultural institutions, more than 82,000 workers in the Culture system, 22,280 professional artists and 3,700 cultural promoters will be at the service of cultural programming this summer.

He commented that more than nine 1,600 art teachers and instructors, more than 17,300 artistic units of the amateur artists movement, 504 community sociocultural projects and more than 660 families, groups and communities that bear traditions will also participate.

It is planned, he explained, to carry out more than 32 tours of groups with the most relevant of the professional catalogs of music and the performing arts, municipal, provincial and regional, among which the National Circus of Cuba, the Children’s Company stand out. La Colmenita, Cándido Fabré, Haila María Mompié, as well as Arnaldo y su Talismán, Will Campa and Alexander Abreu among others.

According to Pérez González, in addition, more than 37,100 musical presentations and staging have been conceived by subsidized groups that were formed at the national level.

He highlighted that 52 Artistic Brigades will be present, made up of professional artists, students of artistic education, art instructors, members of the UNEAC and the AHS, the Movement of Amateur Artists and cultural promoters from the 168 municipalities of the country.

Every effort will be made to carry out 15,300 weekly activities, which is one of the great challenges of 2024, he added.

Lissette Martínez Luzardo, Vice Minister of Culture, took the opportunity to express how necessary it is to activate the “summer mode”, as this year’s slogan says, in rural, mountainous, vulnerable communities, nursing homes, grandparents’ homes, homes for children without family protection, hospitals and other social institutions.

Likewise, he highlighted that this year they intend to make a difference, above all, in terms of communication to facilitate access and participation of the people, in the wide and varied program of activities, which is part of a special day in which the family Cuban expects various options for recreation and enjoyment both in the city and in neighborhoods and communities.

Martínez Luzardo pointed out that the programming will be available through different media, mainly La Papeleta, as well as the main cultural and recreational centers in the country, where it will be happening in the summer.

The “summer mode” will be activated in all possible ways, so that the inhabitant, who even does not have access to the internet, can inform himself, participate and satisfy the spiritual need to consume the offer that, for him, has been made, Pérez González concluded. .

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