The Government increased retirement contributions by decree

The Government increased retirement contributions by decree
The Government increased retirement contributions by decree

With the signature of the vice governor Alicia Aluanithe increase in employer contributions and personal contributions of active workers, as indicated in the text accessed by ANÁLISIS.

There was also established a increase in the personal contributions of beneficiaries of special retirements until they reach the requirements of the common retirement.

The decree is made up of just two articles. It is endorsed by the Ministers of Government and Labor, Manuel Troncosoand Treasury and Finance, Julio Panceri.

Contributions to the Retirement Fund: what the decree says

He article 1 has a 3% increase in employer contributions and 3% increase in personal contributions on the salaries of all active workers reached by the provincial pension system. It is clarified in the text that the increase “will be added to the contributions currently in force.”

Currently, this rate is 16%, which would increase to 19%. It will continue to be below the 20% in force in the province of Córdoba, a number that was given as an example by the Retirement Fund authorities when the plan was announced.

In it article 2the decree establishes a 3% increase for provincial pensioners who have accessed the benefit of the special ordinary retirement “until they meet the requirements established by law to access the common ordinary retirement””.

This point will affect 13,200 retirees who are between 41 and 50 years old and 17,900 who are between 51 and 60. These beneficiaries acceded to special laws that contemplate termination of employment at a younger age (health workers, teachers, etc.) who must now continue contributing a little more until reaching the common retirement age, which is 57 years for women and 62 for men.

Decree 1,576 is a consequence of a file initiated in the Retirement Fund that exposes the situation of the organization and proposes a series of measures to contain the deficit, calculated in April at 20 billion pesos.

Fountain: Analysis



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