The province provides tools and financing to the SME sector

Today is the “International Day of SMEs”, established in 2017 by the United Nations General Assembly. In Neuquén there are approximately 25,000 registered companies.

The government of the province of Neuquén, through different areas and organizations, provides tools to professionalize the management of SMEs and entrepreneurs, as well as financing lines that promote investments and the growth of private activity.

“With the focus on improving and making the functioning of the provincial State more efficient, Governor Rolando Figueroa decided to centralize support for the private sector under the orbit of the Ministry of Economy, Production and Industry, which has the Secretariat of Production and Industry and organizations that They have complementary missions,” explained the Secretary of Production and Industry and president of the SME-ADENEU Center, Juan Peláez.

Under the orbit of this ministry, “the BPN and the IADEP concentrate credit offers, which the SME-ADENEU Center supplements with personalized technical assistance and training for the business network and the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the entire province,” he added.

“SMEs are the engine of growth in our economy because they are the ones who drive economic development and generate employment. From our role as a Development Agency, we implement actions to generate the conditions for Neuquén companies to progress in the best way,” said Anabel Lucero Idizarri, General Manager of the SME-ADENEU Center.

He also commented that “along with the investments and instruments provided by the provincial State, we seek the private sector to accompany us in the expansion and reconversion of the economic and productive matrix of our province.”

According to data from the “MiPyME Registry” prepared by the National Ministry of Economy, in Neuquén there are 24,912 companies, of which 96 percent are microenterprises.

The main activities carried out are related to services (56.3 percent) and commerce (24.9%). Regarding geographical distribution, Confluencia concentrates 72.7% of companies in the province, followed by the South and Center areas (9.9% and 5.1%, respectively).

As for the entrepreneurial segment, that is, companies registered in the last 7 years, they chose to register to a greater extent as monotributistas (55%), followed also by registered managers, who reduced their participation (31.5%).

Current tools

The SME-ADENEU Center designs and implements specific programs for economic-productive sectors and activities, reaching producers, entrepreneurs and SMEs in the industrial, agricultural, commercial and service fields throughout the territory of the province of Neuquén.

It mainly provides technical assistance and training, to which is added credit management, such as the “More SMEs, More Future” program. It was designed using funds provided to the province by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The program prioritizes projects aimed at strengthening the primary sectors (agriculture, forestry, non-metallic mining), industry and tourism. Projects from the commercial and production and industrial services sectors will also be eligible.

Applications must be submitted through the single window of the ADENEU PyME Center, available at There, companies will find the general conditions of the program and the available lines.

On the other hand, COPADE -Secretariat of Planning and Institutional Linkage- disseminates the various lines of credit and the Guarantee Fund of the Federal Investment Council (CFI). For more information, go to

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