Vegan diet: how to avoid nutritional deficiencies according to the UBA

Vegan diet: how to avoid nutritional deficiencies according to the UBA
Vegan diet: how to avoid nutritional deficiencies according to the UBA

In Argentina, More and more people decide to eat foods of plant origin and they do so to take better care of their health. Paradoxically, since Clinics Hospital of the University of Buenos Aires warn that many adopt the habit without professional guidance and their nutrition ends up being poor.

The vegan diet It is an eating pattern that excludes all foods of animal origin and their derivatives (dairy, eggs and honey). “In recent years, the interest “This type of diet has increased both in the general population and in the scientific community due to the number of people who have adopted it,” says Lic. Stefania Giselle Lazzaronutritionist at the Department of Food and Dietetics of the Hospital de Clínicas of the UBA (MN 10,330).

Lazzaro explains that this type of diet is characterized by its predominance of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Thus, It is considered a diet high in fiber and “good quality” (unsaturated) fats, which could present health benefits by reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases. such as the obesitythe arterial hypertension and diabetesamong other.

According to a survey done by Kantar in 2022, In Argentina, those who decide to eat foods of vegetable or plant-based origin do so mostly to take care of their health, for animal well-being and to take care of the that order. Now, “adopt this habit must be properly planned with a specialized professional and thus make it a nutritionally complete and sustainable option for each stage of life,” says Lazzaro.

“It all depends on the way in which said pattern is carried out. If a vegan diet presents a high intake of industrialized, “packaged” foods, even if they are certified with their seal, the benefits described above will probably not be taken advantage of.“adds the professional.

What deficiencies may occur

Beyond the benefits and positive points of eating vegetables and fruits, the nutritionist Lazzaro insists on carrying a medical control if a person decides not to consume meat and the like. “If it is not well balanced, can cause nutritional deficiencies of protein, ω-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin D and B12“, Explain. “Therefore, it is necessary Know the chemical composition of foods, consume them in the necessary quantity, combine them correctly, apply culinary techniques in order to increase the absorption of certain nutrients and, where appropriate, resort to supplements,” he adds.

The risk of a poorly nutritious diet is similar for those who consume foods of animal origin and those who do not. For this reason, professional advice is necessary. We seek to respect the people who choose this type of diet, providing tools to accompany them so that they can carry it out in a healthy way,” concludes the specialist.

Symptoms of nutritional deficiencies

In the presence of any of these symptoms, which may be a consequence of a lack of nutrients, it is necessary to carry out a blood test.

  • fatigue and exhaustion
  • changes in mood with a tendency to depression
  • loss or increase in appetite
  • muscle pains
  • weak hair and nails
  • lower physical resistance
  • dizziness
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