Gastroenteritis outbreak in Villa La Angostura: When will the results of the water analyzes be known

A strong outbreak of gastroenteritis keeps the town of Villa La Angostura on alert. The provincial authorities reported that there are more than 150 patients were treated and reinforcements were sent to the Dr. Oscar Arraiz hospital. From the hospital they assure that the registered cases are a total of 81 and they asked to pay special attention to the symptoms. Meanwhile, from Bromatology they carry out analyzes on the drinking water network. When will the results of the water analysis be known?

Listen to Lorena Bentivegna, director of the Villa La Angostura hospital, on RÍO NEGRO RADIO:

“Although we do not know for sure what could have been the trigger for this gastroenteritis, the water samples taken by the municipality are already being analyzed”said the director of the Villa La Angostura Hospital, Lorena Bentivegna.

The mayor, Javier Murer, assured that the origin of the problem could have been triggered after the storm that the mountain area experienced during the long weekend.. «The storm caused the power supply to be cut offwhich stopped the pumping of water, leaving the town without water, could have affected the purification of the water,” he said.

The emptying of the water purification tanks or the inadequate clarification in response to the demand could have favored the «filtration of some microorganism present in the pipes or sewers,” as explained from the hospital.

Given this, the Bromatology area began testing to determine if water is indeed the cause of gastroenteritis cases. “The rates in some cases are normal and in others they are a little lower, but it is still suitable for consumption,” he assured.

From the hospital reported that The results of the analyzes carried out on the water could take between four and five days, Therefore, confirmation of the suspicions would occur next week. Province confirmed the expectation of these results.

In total there are “81 confirmed cases” who received treatment at the health center. One of them had to be referred to a private clinic in Bariloche because his medical condition worsened.

Gastroenteritis outbreak in Villa La Angostura: guidelines for acute cases

Due to the outbreak, from the government of Villa La Angostura provided “alarm guidelines for acute gastroenteritis.”

The most common symptoms in a mild condition are, stools with less consistency and greater frequency than usual.

– The condition can be mild with few bowel movements and last no more than 48 hours until bowel movements. every 20-30 min, which would increase the risk of dehydration.

There may be fever (greater than 37.7°C)

– Abdominal pain, increased bowel movements and gas.

– Dehydration (you may feel anything from dry mouth and tongue to dizziness when sitting in bed, getting up from the chair, weakness, very concentrated urine).

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