Corfecali meets with creditors and presents a payment plan for debts from past years

Corfecali meets with creditors and presents a payment plan for debts from past years
Corfecali meets with creditors and presents a payment plan for debts from past years
  • The Mayor’s Office of Santiago de Cali will disburse $15,000 million to initiate payments to creditors of the Cali Fairs and Events Corporation, Corfecali and recover the entity’s finances.
  • Guidelines are established to verify and pay debts, including reconciliations for special cases.
  • The debts will begin to be paid once the creditors meet certain requirements and provide legal documentation, assured the manager of Corfecali, María Ximena Román.

Santiago de Cali, June 26, 2024

In a meeting held this Wednesday (06/26/2024), the manager in charge of Corfecali, María Ximena Román García, had a meeting with some of the artists and suppliers of the entity who are owed accounts for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, with the purpose of socializing the payment process, which according to what was announced by the mayor, Alejandro Eder, leads to the recovery of the Cali Fairs and Events corporation; as well as the dignity and respect for culture and art.

It is worth remembering that the municipality, founding partner of Corfecali, determined, through an authorization from Comfis, the disbursement of $15,000 million to stabilize the finances of the entity and pay the debts of past years and, in this way, clean up the promoter of District events.

Román García explained to the nearly 60 attendees at the meeting (in person and virtually) that in a few days the money will be disbursed to the entity’s accounts for its financial recovery, and that after completing some requirements and delivery of legal documentation by each of the creditors, payment of the arrears will proceed.

“The Mayor’s message, from the first day of his government, is to regain trust in Cali and its institutions and that involves working hand in hand and respecting the dignity of the artists who are so important to the city and therefore That’s why we are standing up to them and bringing them a solution,” said the manager (e).

It is important to remember that last February, Corfecali had already made payments of $2.4 billion, corresponding to services for the 2023 Cali Fair and that the payment plan, announced this Wednesday, corresponds to debts acquired by the entity in past years ( 2021, 2022 and 2023).

How will the payment of debts with suppliers be?

To guarantee transparency and correct administration of resources, Corfecali asks creditors to complete the following requirements to proceed:

  • Identification of the creditor and the debtor.
  • Evidence and have the support of the contract or legal transaction, service order, account and/or invoice that originates the credit, with its supervision and execution report.
  • Report from the supplier, with appropriate supporting documents that prove the effective provision of the service.
  • Certification from the supervisor of the fair contract or from the supplier supporting the existence of the obligation. The due delivery and receipt to satisfaction of the good and service provided supported and certified the amount of the obligation.
  • Personal and corporate information of the creditor: copy of your identification document, RUT, copy of the ID card, certificate of existence and legal representation, powers of the legal representative or attorney-in-fact. Bank certification valid for no more than 3 months of the account where the credit must be drawn.
  • In the event that the creditor has decided or decides to assign his credit, the document of assignment of the obligation to the third party, with his signatures duly authenticated and recognition of content in a Notary.
  • Acceptance by the creditor of the amount that Corfecali will pay and its waiver of collecting additional fruits, damages and compensation.
  • Concept of feasibility of direct payment or the recommendation to resolve the matter via administrative conciliation.

The manager (e) Román García, assured Corfecali’s creditors that the accounts “after the entity’s team contacts them will be paid once all the requirements, which by law we have asked of them, are completed, and there will be no need to go to any intermediary for this process. It is the will of Alejandro Eder’s administration to catch up with all those who provided services to the entity and that is why he stated a few days ago, Corfecali has already recovered.”

Froyber Maya, director of the Caliber orchestra, celebrated the meeting with Corfecali, “because we finally know that they are going to pay us. Already in this meeting they stood up to us and told us what was going to happen to our accounts. The artist-Corfecali relationship must be healed and this administration must turn the entity around for the good of the city.”

Communications Office
Mayor’s Office of Santiago de Cali

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