Two new deputies from the left swore in and claimed Palestine

Two new deputies from the left swore in and claimed Palestine
Two new deputies from the left swore in and claimed Palestine

Swearing in of FIT 2 deputies

Minutes before the start of the special session to discuss the Base Law and the fiscal package, two new legislators from the Left Front were sworn in, a bloc that has been implementing a rotating banking system for years. Vanina Biasi and Monica SchlotthauerThus, they replaced Romina Del Pla and Myriam Bregman and, during their respective speeches, They claimed Palestine and the piquetero movement.

“For the movement of women and diversities, for my piquetero brothers and sisters, who are a pride of solidarity and struggles; for all the rights of the working class; for ending capitalist barbarism in this world; for the end of the genocide in Palestine; by the workers’ government; and for socialism,” Biasi stated when signing his oath.

Swearing in of FIT 1 deputies

Schlotthauer, in turn, stated: “For the memory of the 30,000 disappeared, and my colleagues from the PST; for the boys, girls, women and the Palestinian people, who resist the genocide of the state of Israel; for those of us who fight against (Javier) Milei’s chainsaw plan; for a government of the working class and socialism in Argentina and in the world.”

In Biasi’s case, it is not the first public reference to the military conflict in the Middle East. In the last electoral campaign -she was a candidate for Head of Government of the city of Buenos Aires-, she accompanied Bregman to the presidential debate that took place at the UBA Law School with a green t-shirt and showing off on the left side of her chest the Palestinian emblem.

At that time, the leader defended the provocative gesture in a crossing that he starred in with the journalist Eduardo Feinmann. “Do you condemn the terrorism of Hamas attacking the State of Israel? “Yes or no?” asked the driver, to which Biasi responded: “I unconditionally defend the Palestinian people, their struggle, and denounce the State of Israel as a terrorist.” and responsible for the existence of a concentration camp with 2 million people inside who at this very moment cannot leave either because of the border they have with Egypt or because of the border with Israel. The power relationship that exists in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian shelters is in favor of Israel,” she argued.

In turn, he demanded the end of the war “with a negotiation that addresses each of the claims of a people who cannot continue living inside a concentration camp.”

Schlotthauer, meanwhile, had already represented the left in Congress between 2019 and 2020 and between 2021 and 2022. In the periods outside Parliament his job was as a cleaning staff on the Sarmiento train. He began his political career as a member of the Socialist Workers Party. She was also a delegate to the Antarctica Sanatorium for ten years and was an employee of a call center from which she was fired. During her time as unemployed, she lived for a time in Venezuela until due to the lack of opportunities she decided to return to Argentina.

The special session to discuss the projects promoted by the Government began minutes before 12:30. The ruling party will accept most of the changes that were made in the Senate and is confident of achieving approval.

The debate will have 200 exhibitors and could extend for 12 hours, before the vote, and it remains to define possible changes in Profits, Personal Assets and regarding companies prone to privatization.

To secure the votes, the ruling party desisted from including in the list of companies that can be privatized Argentine Airlines, the Argentine Mail and Argentine Radio and Television. The same thing happened with the elimination of the pension moratorium and the creation of the Proportional Retirement Benefit, intended for workers who have some contributions, but do not reach the minimum of 30 years.

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