The parents and siblings of the missing child are summoned to testify

The parents and siblings of the missing child are summoned to testify
The parents and siblings of the missing child are summoned to testify

Gustavo Briendthe lawyer for the boy’s family, confirmed to Noticias Argentinas that it was something they had planned. “We expected it,” said the lawyer, adding that “a new investigation is beginning and it was necessary for them to testify.” The lawyer clarified that it will be a testimonial statement and maintained that it was something “that was expected.”

The family’s lawyer stressed that the new testimonial statement “from each of the family” of the little boy who disappeared 14 days ago was “necessary.” “I am glad that Justice has acted so quickly and has summoned everyone,” he said regarding the actions of the Federal Justice, where the case is currently.

Furthermore, he clarified that the investigation carried out so far “cannot be ruled out” and maintained that those who are detained “are well imprisoned, there are sufficient elements of the charge.”


Loan Danilo Peñathe 5-year-old boy who disappeared 14 days ago in Currents, is intensively sought by provincial and federal forces. The main hypothesis of Justice is that it was kidnapped for trafficking purposes.

The six accused of Loan’s disappearance in Corrientes were transferred to federal prisons in Salta and Chaco despite the fact that they made various presentations refusing the resolution.

This Thursday morning, five of the detainees climbed with their faces covered into a Federal Police truck with which they were sent to federal prisons.

Regarding the sixth defendant, it is expected that in the next few hours he will be sent to another prison. It was in the last few hours when the Court authorized that Maria Victoria Caillava, Carlos Perez, Antonio Benitez, Monica Millapi and commissioner Walter Maciel be housed in complex 3 of Güemes in the province of Salta. Regarding Daniel “fierrito” Ramírez, they announced that he will go to Unit 7 of Chaco.

New searches in a field belonging to the detained official

After several days without any investigations into the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña, a special operation was carried out on Thursday in a field belonging to the detained former official.

Sources in the case confirmed to Noticias Argentinas that the police were combing a field belonging to María Victoria Caillava, which is located three kilometers from the house of Catalina, the minor’s grandmother.

The Federal Justice indicated that this operation in the town of 9 de Julio is carried out after key testimony. At the scene, around fifty police officers worked with sticks and dogs to find traces of Loan.

Gustavo Briend, the lawyer for the mother and brother of the child, spoke to the press in Goya, Corrientes, and stressed: “We do not rule out any possibility, but the main hypothesis is that of trafficking. Searches are being carried out in a place very close to the grandmother’s house, so the possibility exists.”

“There is an important possibility because there is an important team of federal forces that are in a place where they could have been forgotten at first. Everything is being reevaluated and work is being done with accurate clues in the area,” he explained.

He also said that this new search is being carried out because there are new elements: “There is a precarious building in that place, which is known in the area as a shack.” When asked if he believes there could be more detainees or people involved, Briend stressed: “I think there are other people involved, there are external agents linked to this case and we do not rule out other versions.”

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