Onco Aysén Corporation will install a work table to have a Transitory Oncology Center

Onco Aysén Corporation will install a work table to have a Transitory Oncology Center
Onco Aysén Corporation will install a work table to have a Transitory Oncology Center

After an intense month of campaigning and meetings with various institutions and regional authorities, the corporation managed to move forward, with the support of the Municipality of Coyhaique, in the installation of a table that will allow for the necessary dialogue to be generated in order to have an oncology center that responds to the needs of cancer patients in the region.
Coyhaique.- After almost a month of operation and the deployment of its first advocacy campaign, the Onco Aysén Corporation has made significant progress thanks to the citizen support received through the campaign called Signature for Life, which has allowed it to have the support of the municipality of Coyhaique to set up an inter-institutional working group to seek strategies to have a Temporary Oncology Center in Aysén in the short term.

As of last Sunday, the Onco Aysén corporation had already received more than 4,900 signatures of citizen support and they hope that the number will continue to increase in the coming days, until reaching the goal they had set of 5,000 signatures from citizens who support the corporation’s request.

Patricia Aburto, president of the Corporación Onco Aysén, said that these have been weeks of intense work to obtain support from various institutions to be able to make the oncological reality of Aysén visible. “Our corporation has as its main objective to be able to raise awareness and influence and from that vision we have started a work plan within the framework of our campaign, showing this health problem, we have met with Injuv, Sernameg, Mindep, Slep, Seremi de Salud, Health Service and the Mayor of Coyhaique and its Municipal Council, we have had transversal support, in addition with the campaign sign for life we ​​have broad citizen support,” said Patricia Aburto.

She also highlighted that within the main alliances, a collaborative work agreement was established with the Municipality of Coyhaique and the Municipal Council, through the Health Commission, to set up an inter-institutional work table that allows generating the necessary dialogue to be able to have the temporary oncology center in the region. “The idea is to be able to move forward and in this commitment that we obtained with the mayor to set up a table so that all the actors can sit down and talk, looking for strategies to be able to have this oncology center in the short term,” indicated the president of the corporation.

For her part, Councilor Ana María Navarrete, in charge of the Social Health Commission, highlighted the work that the corporation is developing to make visible the need for better care for cancer patients in the region. “On behalf of the council, all the support for the group. We are very aware of what this disease is in our population and we are also very aware that we have to work on prevention, so we are going to provide all the support from the Social Health Commission of the Municipal Council, we just had a meeting and all the councilors are in full agreement to support and as we know the importance it has, we are going to be there, we are going to set up a table together with Patricia, together with the group and the council, the municipality, to also support and work on this issue that is transversal,” said the councilor.

The working group will be convened with the support of the municipality of Coyhaique, during the first week of July and they hope to have the participation of all the institutional actors involved in this issue, an occasion in which the corporation will make known the reality of the cancer patients in the region and the broad citizen support they have received to date.

It should be noted that the Onco Aysén Corporation began its work last May, when it presented its main lines of work and launched its first advocacy campaign called #FirmaporlaVida, an initiative that invited the citizens of the region to join in a joint effort for health, to collect 5,000 digital signatures to support the request for the installation of a Temporary Oncology Center in Aysén.

The digital form is still available for signing at www.oncoaysen.cl #FirmaporlaVida campaign

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