“It comes afloat with the economic crisis”

“It comes afloat with the economic crisis”
“It comes afloat with the economic crisis”

The Minister of Culture Alpidio Alonso Grau He stated in Cienfuegos that expressions of racism have not been eliminated in Cuba and that they have a greater representation during the economic crisis.

In that territory in the center of the island there is a social program called “Cuban Color” that, according to a report by the official television station Pearlvisionseeks to address discrimination based on skin color and ethnic origin.

“There is a historical disadvantage, because they are the ones who have suffered the most. The Revolution created conditions for everyone, but even today, especially now in a time of economic difficulties as profound as the one we are experiencing, those disadvantages come to the fore,” the minister mentioned before a small group of people.

Alonso Grau’s statement highlights the persistence of problems related to the Racial discrimination in Cuba and highlights the need to address this problem to guarantee equal rights and opportunities for all citizens.

Last year on the island, several complaints were collected on social networks due to discriminatory attitudes of some citizens over others.

The Cuban actor Jenrry Betancourtthe Felito of the popular adventure The little fugitives, He reported through his social networks the corruption that exists at the National School of Art (ENA) and the ICRT, in addition to the racism and favoritism that prevails on Cuban Television.

On his Facebook profile, the artist responded to those who wonder what has become of the protagonist of this contemporary version of the Cuban dramatized and assured that he distanced himself from acting thanks to the bitter experiences he has had in these places.

Also A young Cuban woman reported racism in a rental advertisement in Havana a year agowhich literally says it is “for whites only.”

While Another Cuban assured that her husband was a victim of racism by Havana police officerswho arrested him in front of an ATM, just for being black.

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