La Libertad Avanza obtained provisional recognition as a political party in the province of Buenos Aires

La Libertad Avanza obtained provisional recognition as a political party in the province of Buenos Aires
La Libertad Avanza obtained provisional recognition as a political party in the province of Buenos Aires

President Javier Milei’s party was provisionally recognized in the province of Buenos Aires (Photo: Sebastian Salguero/dpa)

Today, La Libertad Avanza obtained provisional recognition as a political party in the province of Buenos Aires. This was decided by the electoral judge of the district, Alejo Ramos Padilla, which considered that the group met the requirements and rejected the challenges that were presented against the use of the name. Now the party of the president of the Nation Javier Milei must present the affiliation of four thousand people to obtain definitive legal-political status.

Once he achieves this status, he will be able to run for office without forming alliances with other political parties, as happened in the national elections last year. Thus, in the 2025 legislative elections, LLA will be able to go with its own candidates without other parties in its line-up.

In turn, this resolution is one more step for the party to obtain national recognition. To do so, it must achieve final approval in five provinces. He already obtained it in La Rioja and Salta and has it provisionally in Córdoba and now in the province of Buenos Aires. Also orders presented in provinces such as Mendoza, Santa Fe, Salta, Corrientes, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego, Formosa, CABA, Jujuy. This political group is headed by Karina Mileisister of the head of state and general secretary of the Presidency, and the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menem, who is also the party’s leader in La Rioja.

In fact, Karina Milei and Menem were present on June 11 at the hearing led by Judge Ramos Padilla to discuss the request for recognition. There, the electoral prosecutor, Maria Laura Rotetaendorsed the proposal and asked that the challenge he presented be rejected Carina Mariel Ivascov.

The woman objected to the name of the party being given to her because she said that she is the owner of the intellectual property since it is registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property. She also said that she is the president and representative of the “La Libertad Avanza” party in the district of Entre Ríos and of the provincial party of the same name. She had filed the same objection in the Córdoba courts and the National Electoral Chamber rejected the request.

Judge Ramos Padilla did the same. He pointed out that the INTI is not the place where the names of political parties are registered. But he also highlighted that “the names, along with the logos, the colors, the programs, concentrate the personality of the parties and constitute their ideological seal.” “These names gain strength as they compete in elections, along the way, they become filled with historical, social and cultural meanings, which groups, collectives and sectors of society value and with which, in turn, they identify. ”, he added.

“Thus, the name adopted by a political party performs a double function: on the one hand, it serves to identify the political party, and on the other, its voters (e.g. “La Libertad Avanza” and “los libertararios”). Political representation then becomes not only descriptive, but also symbolic and substantive, and encompasses those who feel represented by that party, that name and by the ideas associated with that denomination,” said the magistrate in his resolution to which he agreed. Infobae.

Electoral judge Alejo Ramos Padilla (Photo: Adrián Escandar)

“On the other hand, preventing the institutionalization of said collective identity, the recognition of their legal status and in particular the use of the name with which they intend to continue being identified, not only restricts their representative dimension, but also generates confusion in the electorate and in all those who, from that denomination, They are clear about the content transmitted by this group, of which the President of the Nation Javier Milei and the national authorities who accompanied the representatives of the group in formation to the hearing held before this Court are now part of.he concluded.

But the judge also criticized this type of challenges to the names of political parties and maintained that it is not the first that Ivascov made in court. That is why he formed “an incident to analyze this behavior, since if it were repeated and lacked true electoral content, it could constitute an obstacle to the normal functioning of political parties.” To move forward, he asked the National Electoral Chamber and the electoral courts throughout the country to report whether Ivascov presented other similar challenges and he asked the National Institute of Industrial Property to tell him what trademarks the woman has registered.

With the provisional recognition, Ramos Padilla also approved the authorities of the party – whose president is Sebastian Pareja– and the representatives. He also gave them 150 days to present the affiliation of four thousand voters to obtain final approval as a party, among other requirements.

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