ECOS Cooperative helps the immigrant community of San José – Telemundo Bahía 48 Area

ECOS Cooperative helps the immigrant community of San José – Telemundo Bahía 48 Area
ECOS Cooperative helps the immigrant community of San José – Telemundo Bahía 48 Area

A group of immigrant women, many of them survivors of various crimes, joined together to launch a cooperative to help the Hispanic community in San José.

The cooperative is called ECOS and is made up of seven immigrant entrepreneurs who offer various services.

“Triqui-Spanish-English interpretation; and the other service is child care at community events and the last service is office cleaning,” explained Adriana Herrera, a member of the cooperative.

They also work as promoters of agency services.

“I am a survivor of domestic violence and when I lived that experience it was very difficult for me,” said Adriana Cabrera, ECOS curriculum developer.

Like Adriana, there are other colleagues who have also gone through the same thing and others are victims of sexual abuse.

Karina Hernández is an interpreter of the Triqui Copala language from the Mixteca Baja region of Oaxaca and said she wants to help her community.

“I have my own business, I am also a very enterprising woman and, moreover, the cooperative thing right now also makes me very proud,” said Karina.

These women hope to increase the number of members to create a stronger cooperative.

“The employees are also co-owners of the business and also make all the decisions regarding salaries, work hours, profit sharing, everything,” said Richard Hubb, founder of Agenda Humana.

You can hire these hardworking and enterprising women by calling (669) 335-1276

or by emailing them at [email protected].


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