Law of Bases: “Victory does not come from the number of soldiers, but from the forces that come from heaven,” said Nadia Márquez

Neuquén deputy for La Libertad Avanza, Nadia Márquez, defended the Ley Bases project and the fiscal package. He also spoke about the benefits of RIGI for Vaca Muerta yy confirmed that “victory does not come from the number of soldiers, but from the forces that come from heaven” during the treatment.

«We are in the last part of the debate and from LLA we are very happy and satisfied»said Marquez. He added that Argentina “needs very profound changes, some of them at high cost and a strong commitment.”

Defended the treatment of the Income and Personal Property Taxwhich were not approved in the Senate. In the event of a possible judicialization, the legislator mentioned two rulings in which the Supreme Court avoided making a statement on issues related to the Legislative Branch.

Márquez thanked those who decided to support the Bases Law. “I want to say that these laws give more freedom to the citizen and reduce bureaucracy.”

He insisted that “they are all benefits for Argentines” and argued that these reforms are important for Vaca Muerta, “the second largest unconventional gas reservoir in the world and the fourth largest oil reservoir”, We could end up like other countries, like Venezuela. “having all the wealth under our feet, yet living like poor people because we have not managed to bring in the necessary investments.”

He added that in order to “be able to extract all the wealth that Argentina has, we only need to create the necessary legal conditions.” so that both national and foreign investments want to come to our country.

Márquez expressed that “this law has substance, these laws have legitimacy and have legality and these laws have benefits for Argentines. Maybe some like the result, maybe others obviously do not like the result of the vote on these laws.

In that sense, lThe deputy from Neuquén assured that the official block “has given everything. Other dialogue blocks They continue to support us, not us but the ideas that we are promoting together.”

Márquez assured that “It has been a little more difficult for us to dialogue with other blocks, But we did it. We sat down and changed.

He also thanked the “deep trust” and confirmed that “Victory does not come from the number of soldiers, but from the forces that come from heaven.”

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