Erick N, arrested for hitting his partner and his mother in Montecillo – El Sol de San Luis

Erick N, arrested for hitting his partner and his mother in Montecillo – El Sol de San Luis
Erick N, arrested for hitting his partner and his mother in Montecillo – El Sol de San Luis

Erick “N” was arrested by agents of the Police Investigation Methods (PMI) in the El Montecillo neighborhood of the capital of Potosí, as there is a judicial order against him for the crime of attempted femicide and domestic violence.

The above was reported by the Office of the Attorney General (FGE), which detailed that said arrest warrant was issued due to an incident that occurred on March 19, 2021. According to the complaint filed by the accused’s mother before the prosecutor’s office, on that date she found her daughter-in-law beaten and when she confronted her son, he physically assaulted her and threatened her with a firearm, placing it on her neck and telling her that he would kill her.

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The FGE added that an investigation was initiated, with which a judge obtained a arrest warrantfor which PMI operational personnel proceeded to search and capture the accused in the aforementioned neighborhood, notifying him of the current mandate and reading him his rights.

Finally, it was reported that in the next few hours, Erick “N” will be presented before the judicial authority that requests him to determine his legal situation.

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