Volunteer firefighters in Armenia responded to a case of bees on a motorcycle

Volunteer firefighters in Armenia responded to a case of bees on a motorcycle
Volunteer firefighters in Armenia responded to a case of bees on a motorcycle


Bee emergency cases continue to grow in Quindíothe recent case is related to a swarm on the front of a motorcycle

And since the month of May the department reports situations related to attacks of bees that have left four people dead.

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Precisely On Carrera 20 in Armenia, which is a busy area, an emergency was reported with a swarm of bees that was on the front of a motorcycle.

Sergeant Marcos Urrea Galeno of the city’s volunteer fire departmentsaid that they promptly attended to the request in order to avoid damage. He said that they have the appropriate suit to capture the bees and protect them. That is why he urged the community not to manipulate them.

“We proceed and carry out the capture of either the Swarm orLike the one you saw on a motorcycle on Carrera 20 in Armenia and we captured them and we try to relocate them as such somewhere in the city. Yes, we have two suits to capture the bees, because the firefighter who is going to do the procedure has to protect himself, although they are easy to catch. capture in certain situations, pBecause it depends, sometimes they can be in very high areas.”, he detailed.

He indicated that in general they have been supporting different services which are between 3 to 4 weekly to provide security to the community threatened by this proliferation.

motorcycle with bees in Armenia – courtesy of Firefighters

He added: “We know that there are people who are allergic to just one bite. and then we have to activate the emergency protocols there to care for the person. We have quite a few requirements in this regard, they call us, so we go and yes, because well, giving you an answer as such to what you ask me, yes, because It is a motorcycle that is located there on Carrera 20, where many people pass by on a motorcycle that they are using. And you’re about to get on your motorcycle when suddenly, “bees.”

It was clear that It is key not to disturb the bees so that experts can carry out the work. in the affected areas.

The fire station contact that is located in Zuldemayda is 606 735-0003 and 321- 793-9889.


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