five years of excellence in health

five years of excellence in health
five years of excellence in health

Sanatorio San Juan, on its fifth anniversary, thanks its staff, medical teams that carry out their activity in the institution, its San Juan suppliers and, fundamentally, the financiers that are part of the Health System, such as: Obra Social Provincia, OSDE, Osfatlf, Omint, Osecac, union and prepaid social works.

Sanatorio San Juan is a company that, five years ago, decided to create jobs and provide quality services to the community in a very difficult context. The members of Sanatorio San Juan, who have been investing in health for more than 20 years, are convinced that this province, where 80% of its surface is covered by mountains, is the best place to live and develop our companies.

We strongly believe that the San Juan that we all want will come hand in hand with work, industry and, fundamentally, mining development. We are convinced that the development of new mining projects will give our activity the boost that we so long for and need today. This will generate more workers in the private sector and make regional economies more vibrant.

Sanatorio San Juan is a company that has been providing quality services to the community for 5 years.

Last year we made a large investment in creating a reception room for spontaneous care for mining and industrial workers, and thus be able to guarantee reception in critical care units for workers. We firmly believe that being able to guarantee health services, investing in quality and provision of beds, is something necessary for large mining projects to see San Juan as a thriving province in services and local suppliers willing to invest and accompany development.

Private health and the institutions that generate jobs and pay salaries at the end of the month need agreements and consensus that benefit all San Juan residents. Today, we are all making great efforts to ensure that the health system works and becomes more efficient every day.

We thank the clients who choose us every day, our work teams, collaborators, suppliers and all those who believe in us. This new year we renew our commitment to investments and job creation.

At Sanatorio San Juan, we believe that the health system of the people of San Juan is made up of all of us: the public and private sectors, intermediate companies, financiers, unions, scientific societies and the state itself. Undeniably, together we can achieve agreements and consensus that benefit everyone. This is how we are going to make the San Juan that we all want and dream of for our children a reality.

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