a young man’s date is returned to his country

a young man’s date is returned to his country
a young man’s date is returned to his country

One of the most touristic places in Bogotá is Monserrate, which is located in the eastern hills. There you can enjoy the view and the church that can be seen from different points of the city and which can be accessed by stairs or by cable car.

According to the criteria of

However, there are some myths in which it is stated that if couples go up to this place without being married, it is most likely that in a couple of months the relationship will come to an end, of which there are several testimonies that affirm that the theory is true.

An example of this is the TikTok user Felipe Sua, who shared his experience through a video, in which he explained that on one of his visits he was with a woman for whom he already had great appreciation, but when he came down from Monserrate They started having problems.

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In the video, the young man explained that the woman he went with to the eastern hill of the city was a foreign co-worker, so she did not live in the country, but they communicated remotely and had known each other for a year and a half.

“We became such friends that in my work crises she listened to me, she got me a job, we were already very close. At the end of last year, she told me she wanted to come to Medellín and we became very close because she didn’t know anyone in Colombia and I was her only link.”

Because the woman did not speak Spanish, he was in charge of giving her instructions for leaving the airport and the things she should be careful with during the trip. After this, the girl told Felipe Sua that she was heading to Bogotá so they could see each other and spend some time together.

“She arrived in Bogotá with a bit of a cold, but it was nothing serious. During those days I showed her around the city, we went to eat, I introduced her to my friends, we went to Salitre Mágico and Monserrate. I called all my friends to come with us, but they couldn’t because we were going on a weekday, around 11 in the morning.”

For this reason, the two headed towards the eastern hill and enjoyed the activities that can be done there: “As soon as we came down from Monserrate, things changed.” The woman asked the young man if she could live with him for about three months while he went to her country and she would return the favor, so he agreed.

After a few days, one of their mutual friends told him that the woman was going back to her country and this puzzled the young man. When he asked what had happened, she told him that His health had worsened and that is why he had bought a ticket to go home again.

To say goodbye, the two agreed to meet in Medellin at a specific place, but his friend called him and changed the place. When he arrived, they were unable to enjoy a moment together, each went their own way and They did not see each other again.

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