What is the “law of leaves” that Javier Milei wants to advance after the approval of the Bases Law

What is the “law of leaves” that Javier Milei wants to advance after the approval of the Bases Law
What is the “law of leaves” that Javier Milei wants to advance after the approval of the Bases Law

Hours after the approval of the Bases Law in the Chamber of Deputies, the president Javier Milei He stated this Friday that will seek to advance the “litter law” with which he will try to eliminate more “regulations that hinder the functioning of the economic system.”

“More structural reforms are coming, Next week we make the appointment of (Federico) Sturzenegger and we are going to pass what he calls ‘Leaf Litter Law’, which is a set of regulations that hinder the functioning of the economic system,” the President said in statements to LN+.

At this point, Milei indicated that Sturzenegger “is going to be the person in charge of carrying out structural reforms so that we gain economic freedom and can continue to grow.”

The president announced this Friday that the former president of the Central Bank during the Government of Mauricio Macri will be at the head of a new ministry created specifically for him, from which he will be responsible for continuing the process of structural reforms.

Milei’s announcement would crown something that had been in the works almost since the beginning of this administration: Sturzenegger’s entry into the Government with a formal position. In fact, that position was to lead the “Transitional Unit for the Deregulation of the Economy,” but the appointment never materialized and the economist continued as presidential advisor leading a team in which, among others, Lucas Llach collaborates.

Nicknamed “Colossus” by the president himself, Sturzenegger put at the service of the Government extensive work that he had done for the former presidential candidate of Together for Change and today Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich.

In that work, Sturzenegger proposed the elimination of hundreds of regulations in different sectors of the economy, from housing rentals to prepaid medicine.

So far, the economist who worked at Harvard has already recorded small successes in his deregulatory crusade, the result of DNU 70/2023, in whose drafting he participated.

For example, the greater supply and lower rental values, the arrival of Starlink (Elon Musk’s telecommunications company) or the incipient deregulation of some routes in the commercial airline market.

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