Video shows therapist hitting disabled girl in Piedecuesta while caring for her

Video shows therapist hitting disabled girl in Piedecuesta while caring for her
Video shows therapist hitting disabled girl in Piedecuesta while caring for her

A case of alleged Abuse of a disabled girl originated in Piedecuesta and it would have been evidenced by several videos published on social networks.

Sandra Patricia Carrillo Jaimes has three children, one of them is a 12 year old girl who is disabled. While she works, she leaves the minor in the care of a therapist who is a psychologist, but always under her surveillance, that is, with security cameras inside her property.

Amidst tears and with great concern she revealed that her youngest was being assaulted by her caregiverShe said that while checking the cameras in her home she detected that while she was sitting with the minor, the woman hit her with a chair on purpose.

Another audiovisual piece shows when the woman gives him food, but, when he tries to clean his face, she hits him several times in the face.

The mother revealed that, apparently, this would not be the first time this has happened, because when checking the recordings she realized that there were many videos in which the professional would be assaulting the 12-year-old girl.

“She is a helpless girl, He attacks the girl with a chair on the head, hits her in the mouth, punches her, and I continue watching videos and observing and that is very painful for me,” said Sandra in tears and asking for justice for the mistreatment she reported.

She said that whoever takes care of her is part of a IPS of the EPS Salud Total and has been working on therapies with the girl for nine months.

He stressed that in light of the complaint he has received support from childhood and adolescence and that the therapist, who was identified as Daniela Rueda, He denied having assaulted the minor and apologized for what he did.

“This is not an apology, this is my daughter, She has a severe disability, she cannot defend herself, she cannot speak, say what is wrong with her.. “My daughter walks, but she doesn’t follow orders, she has epilepsy, she has several pathologies,” she said excitedly.

The therapist attended to the minor from 2 to 6 in the afternoon and while the parent was present, she indicated that He always smiled at her, treated her with love and spoke to her with affection, That is why he never imagined the alleged attacks.

“I don’t want her to stay like this, for justice to be done, I keep watching videos where he continues to hurt her, I’m very bad,” Sandra concluded.

For now, they have not communicated with the EPS, but the IPS, Health and Safety, apologized for the actions of their worker.

EL TIEMPO tried to contact the therapist involved to hear her version of events, but was unable to receive a response.


EL TIEMPO correspondent – Bucaramanga.

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