Durand: “Fairs serve the people, and our government has to serve the people” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Durand: “Fairs serve the people, and our government has to serve the people” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
Durand: “Fairs serve the people, and our government has to serve the people” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Mayor Emiliano Durand and Governor Gustavo Sáenz vindicated the policy of neighborhood fairs carried out by the Municipality of Salta.

A few days ago, a group of merchants criticized the holding of the “El Mercado en tu Barrio” (The Market in your Neighborhood) fair. It is held on an itinerant basis, touring different neighborhoods of the city, offering basic products at more affordable prices.

During this morning, the governor Gustavo Saenz He claimed the local fair policy as one of the joint works carried out with the Municipality.

“Fairs where there is the possibility of getting cheaper things, food or vegetables, that is what people need. That means being on the side of the people. That means that we are accompanying those who need it most in the difficult times that Argentina is experiencing,” said Sáenz.

To this, he added: “Sometimes the heart is much more important than cement. Let’s put it at the service of the people, today more than ever, who need it. May God accompany us in this difficult task, in these difficult months that we have left and that we have been living, but I am sure that this is the way.”

He also stressed that the Pet Hospital, the Shelter for homeless people and the various works in the Capital’s neighborhoods should continue.

The mayor, Emiliano Durandfor his part, maintained: “The fairs serve the people and our government has to serve the people, as the governor told him, it is putting our heart, putting ourselves next to the people and that is what we are doing.”


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