Sancti Spiritus transporters celebrate their day – Radio Sancti Spiritus

Like every June 28, Cuban transporters celebrate their day.

The purpose of the event is to recognize the work of union members in the sector and the desire to advance transportation services, despite the restrictions on access to spare parts and other accessories resulting from the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

The date was chosen at the First Congress of the National Union of the sector, which took place from June 25 to 29, 1971 and where the workers’ organizations of the sector existing at that time were unified: Transport, Railway and Aviation.

In Sancti Spíritus, transporters are an important pillar in the development of the economy and society, with their daily contribution and multiple alternatives that constitute novelties for the nation.

In aviation, women also count as pilots. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

In passenger transportation, carriers contribute in difficult times. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.In passenger transportation, carriers contribute in difficult times. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

In passenger transportation, carriers contribute in difficult times. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Everyday life is marked by the presence of transporters. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.Daily life has the marked presence of transporters. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

Daily life has the marked presence of transporters. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

National Bus workers are a distinctive group of the province. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.National Bus workers, a distinctive collective of the province. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

National Bus workers are a distinctive group of the province. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

With alternatives, railway workers are present in the celebration of Transporters' Day. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.With alternatives, railway workers are present at the celebration of Transport Day. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.

With alternatives, railway workers are present at the celebration of Transport Day. Photo: Oscar Alfonso Sosa.


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