They investigate whether the child is in Córdoba after a complaint

They investigate whether the child is in Córdoba after a complaint
They investigate whether the child is in Córdoba after a complaint

They then added: “Therefore, and immediately, Multiple search and investigation measures were established in order to corroborate or discard this information, which are being completed. The case is currently under investigation.”

The authorities will investigate the veracity of the complaint after what happened in previous locations. While the search continues, after Loan’s family testified before Federal Justice, raids were carried out on several properties. Investigators are considering several theories 15 days after the disappearance of the five-year-old boy. One of them related to a homicide or accident with concealment.

The family of Loan Danilo Peña testified for more than three hours before the prosecutor, Mariano de Guzmán. The parents and the four siblings gave their statements before the Federal First Instance Prosecutor’s Office in Goya and left escorted by the Naval Prefecture.

Sofia Alert for Loan

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What are the main hypotheses of the research?

  • Homicide with concealment: They intensify the raking in ground zero and the boundary quadrants in the back of the grandmother’s house, they did an excavation because there was disturbed earth.
  • Accident due to concealment: They doubt the lack of traces but suspect Maciel (and the police chief) acted as an accessory. Possibility of an accident and they have hidden Loan’s body.
  • Accident with wildlife interaction
  • Theft with delivery: no traces of violence at ground zero and captured by someone he knew.
  • Abduction with violence: remote hypothesis due to lack of signs of violence.
  • It got lost: the passage of time without traces puts her in doubt (she should have found something).
  • Fatal accident and abandonment: It is not ruled out, but they should have found it.

The hypothesis of the accident and the disposal of the body

Family lawyer Roberto Méndez ruled out the hypothesis that Loan was hit in an accident by a white pickup truck in the countryside and that the body had been hidden or discarded.

This proposal was made by Dr. Jorge Monti, the defender of Mónica Millapi and Daniel Ramírez, two of the six detainees, about the death of the child hit by a car in the countryside and the cover-up of the fact. In this sense, the lawyer on behalf of the family indicated that “the version of events is ruled out.”

Currently, the case in the Federal Court is no longer a case of “human trafficking” but is instead classified as an “investigation of illicit activity.” Among the new actions, it was learned that at 2 in the morning this Thursday, they violently raided grandmother Catalina’s house to seize her cell phone.

Patricia Bullrich: “I’m going to look for Loan in the belly of the animals”

The Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich He said on Thursday that he would send divers and radiological equipment to see if Loan Danilo Peña “is in the “belly of animals” of the area.

“Now I’m going to go with everything. I’m going with divers, I’m going with the mountain personnel that I’m bringing. I’m going to go with radiological equipment to see the bellies of animals. We have to go with everything because there are alligators, there are pumas. There is everything in the area.”declared Bullrich in communication with LN+.

In the interview, the official said that there is still no data confirming how she disappeared. loan and stated that all hypotheses are still open to determine the whereabouts of the child.

Loan Patricia Bullrich 25-6-24.png

He then stated that it is a case “difficult to solve” because the child may have had an accident, may have gotten lost, may have been attacked by an animal or may have been kidnapped for money or family revenge.

“The working hypotheses are many because it is a scene in which there are many people and suddenly there is a very small boy who disappears without any type of noise, scream, or sound”Bullrich said.

In this regard, the minister said that this weekend a new search will be carried out on the land where Loan disappeared with forest personnel. “I don’t want to abandon the search on the ground”he said.

The minister then stated that, if it was a kidnapping, there is still no data to confirm how the child was taken from the land. “There is no evidence of how Loan disappeared. The boys say he left alone”commented in reference to the statement given by the children who were at the scene in Cámara de Gesell.

Bullrich indicated that the construction that the child was kidnapped is based on a single piece of evidence, which is the odor test that was carried out on the cars of the former Navy captain. Carlos perezand his wife Maria Victoria Caillava, two of the six people arrested in the case.

“We don’t want to rule out the possibility that he is still there. If he was taken, it was someone he knew. Everyone was there. The only ones who left did so at the same time that he disappeared,” he concluded.

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