“Six months were lost due to discussions that could have been avoided,” Macri exclaimed.

“Six months were lost due to discussions that could have been avoided,” Macri exclaimed.
“Six months were lost due to discussions that could have been avoided,” Macri exclaimed.

Fri. 28.06.2024-15:10

Gasoline, prepaid health plans, rates and rents: one by one, all the increases in July and which increases were suspended at the last minute

On the verge of a new month, the Government decided at the last minute to suspend some of the planned increases. Others, however, will continue their course. Thus, July arrives, for example, with the update of fuel prices, on the one hand; but with a smaller adjustment than expected. Rentals, prepayments and the rate of a single service will continue to squeeze the depressed Argentine pockets.

It is worth remembering that while inflation in May was 4.2%, consolidating the decline that had been occurring in previous months; The forecasts for the sixth month of the year (data that will be known in mid-July) speak of 5% for June, at least.

According to the projections of the Market Expectations Survey (REM) of the Central Bank, they anticipate 5.5% for that month. It is worth keeping in mind that these same measurements spoke of 5.2% for May, and it was one percentage point higher than the final number subsequently released by INDEC. Read more.


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