How were the yields in the southeast of Córdoba?

How were the yields in the southeast of Córdoba?
How were the yields in the southeast of Córdoba?

In its weekly report, the Rosario Stock Exchange observed that the yields of late corn in the southeast of Córdoba were variable, depending on each area.

In Corral de Bustos they began to lift part of the late corn.

“The yields are very variable. Depending on the materials and conditions, the yields sown at the beginning of December are between 70 and 90 qq/ha. The key difference is whether the crop fell or not, the difference is very significant,” the technicians explain.

In Inriville, sowing dates at the end of December yield 40 qq/ha, while the late sowings at earlier dates – that is, end of November, beginning of December – are in the range of 100 qq/ha. On the other hand, they add that there are trials being threshed in Alejo Ledesma.

They were planted between November 8th and 9th, where lodging problems due to vascular diseases, particularly Fusarium, can be identified.

The rest of the country

According to the Rosario entity, the first results of the late corn harvest “are very variable.”

“What do they depend on? The first thing you notice is the planting date. Those planted after the first days of December suffer the most: yields fall from 70 to 80 qq / ha (in November) to 20 or 40 qq / ha,” she observes.

“The greatest impact is also noted in the north and center of GEA,” adds the BCR.

An important detail: the impact on the harvesters varies greatly depending on whether the plants have stood or are lying down. In Carlos Pellegrini, the yields of corn planted in November are between 70 to 80 qq/ha, those in December fall from 20 to 35 qq/ha per planthopper. In María Susana, the harvest shows disappointing yields, averaging 40 qq/ha, with only 30 qq/ha usable due to strong quality problems and high drying costs.

Wheat sowing in the southeast of Cordoba

Regarding wheat, they say that there is a larger area sown in the southeast of Cordoba than in the previous campaign. “The April rain was key to boosting wheat sowing.”

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