Water losses in Córdoba’s aqueduct systems reach up to 80% in some municipalities

Water losses in Córdoba’s aqueduct systems reach up to 80% in some municipalities
Water losses in Córdoba’s aqueduct systems reach up to 80% in some municipalities

The aqueduct systems in several municipalities in the department of Córdoba face serious water loss problems, which in some cases reach up to 80%, according to data revealed in the Departmental Development Plan 2024-2027. This situation not only represents a significant waste of water resources, but also puts at risk the sustainability of the drinking water supply for communities.

In some municipalities, up to four out of every five liters of treated water is lost before reaching homes. Not only is this economically inefficient, it also compromises the ability to ensure an adequate supply of drinking water in the long term.

The causes of these losses are diverse, including obsolete infrastructure, lack of maintenance, illegal connections and the absence of effective consumption measurement.

To address this problem, the implementation of an action plan is proposed that includes updating studies and designs of aqueducts, as well as the implementation of infrastructure optimization and renewal projects.

This includes the installation of micrometers, the rehabilitation of networks and the promotion of a culture of efficient use of water resources.

In addition, regional aqueduct operation schemes are being explored as an alternative to optimize service provision and take advantage of economies of scale.

Reducing water losses in Córdoba’s aqueducts is a pressing challenge that requires decisive and coordinated actions between authorities, service providers and the community.


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