Since when do we have to apologize for telling the truth?

Since when do we have to apologize for telling the truth?
Since when do we have to apologize for telling the truth?

The libertarian president’s response comes after the leader of the Workers’ Party (PT) targeted Milei and pointed out that “He must apologize to Brazil and to me. He said a lot of nonsense. “I just want him to apologize.”

Amid the euphoria over the parliamentary victory in the House of Representatives, after the approval of the Bases law and the fiscal package, the leader of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) responded:

“The things I said above are true. What are the problems? What did I say corrupt? And wasn’t he arrested for being corrupt? And what did I tell you, communist? And isn’t he a communist? Since when do you have to apologize for telling the truth? Or are we so sick of political correctness that nothing can be said to the left, even if it is true?”

In an interview with La Nación, the President minimized the crossing and He compared it to the dispute with Pedro Sánchez. “It’s such a small discussion; it seems like a discussion between children, pre-adolescents. It’s the same mechanism as Petro, Sánchez,” she pointed out. ç

And he asked: “Don’t you think that Lula and Petro did similar things? In the case of Lula actively interfering in our electoral campaign? Sánchez also demanded that he be apologized to. Petro also demanded that he be apologized to.”


Javier Milei once again targeted Lula da Silva.

Lula’s criticism of Javier Milei

“I did not speak with the president of Argentina because I think you have to apologize to Brazil and me. He He said a lot of nonsense. I just want him to apologize,” Lula said in her statements that generated tension between both countries.

And he added: “I love Argentina. It is a country that I like a lot, Argentina is a very important country for Brazil and Brazil is very important for Argentina.”

Along the same lines, Lula pointed out that “it is not the President of the Republic who will create discord between Brazil and Argentina. The Argentine and Brazilian people are older than the presidents“They want to live well, they want to live in peace. If the president wants to govern Argentina, it is good that he does not try to govern the world.”

The crossings between Lula da Silva and Javier Milei

On December 10, the first exchange between the two leaders took place: the president-elect had invited his Brazilian counterpart to his inauguration ceremony in a letter delivered personally in Brasilia by the deputy-elect. Diana Mondinoto the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Mauro Vieira.

“Both nations have many challenges ahead of us and I am convinced that an economic, social and cultural change, based on the principles of freedom, will position us as competitive countries in which its citizens can develop their capabilities to the maximum and thus, choose the future they want“, Milei said at that time in a section of his invitation letter to Lula Da Silva.

After the presidential runoff in which Javier Milei was the winner over the presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria (UP), Sergio Massa, Lula, without directly mentioning the libertarian, rejected the invitation and wished success to the future Government: “Democracy It is the voice of the people and must always be respected. “My congratulations to the Argentine institutions for conducting the electoral process and to the Argentine people who participated in the election day in an orderly and peaceful manner.”


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