With Passerini present, more than 1,700 students from municipal schools pledged loyalty to the Argentine flag

With Passerini present, more than 1,700 students from municipal schools pledged loyalty to the Argentine flag
With Passerini present, more than 1,700 students from municipal schools pledged loyalty to the Argentine flag
  • The event took place at the Atenas club.
  • Present were fourth grade students from the 38 municipal schools, from the adult category and attendees from Educational Parks and Neighborhood Meeting Centers.

Every June 20, Flag Day is celebrated in commemoration of the death of General Manuel Belgrano. On this date when we Argentines praise our national symbol, the students who are in fourth grade at the primary level make the promise to the flag.

In this context, the mayor of the city of Córdoba, Daniel Passerini, took the promise from 1,685 students from the 38 municipal schools, 80 adult students and 90 people belonging to Educational Parks and Neighborhood Meeting Centers who never made the promise.

Each of the pledgers promised to take responsibility for knowing and respecting national symbols, cultivating values ​​such as solidarity and respect, and preparing to be good citizens.

“This is a unique moment, a special moment when loyalty to the flag means many things. Loyalty means commitment, it has to do with fidelity and the courage to commit.”Mayor Daniel Passerini told those present.

“Today we commit ourselves to democracy, freedom, and to something that unites and protects us, like our national flag.”said the head of the capital’s Municipality.

The event, which took place at the Atenas Club, was attended by the Band of the 2nd General Balcarce Parachute Regiment, who set the rhythm to an emotionally charged ceremony, where those present enjoyed the sound of various melodies.

Before the start of the formal ceremony, the attendees relaxed with a magic show.

In addition to the YES I PROMISE that resonated in the stadium and made all attendees emotional, a moment that moved everyone was when the verses of the Argentine national anthem were sung through sign language, bringing to life one of the three pillars of the current municipal management: Integrate.

Connecting education with the passion of Argentines, football, Passerini made Athens vibrate when he invited the band to sing the song Muchachos, an iconic moment in which children, adolescents and adults waved the flags, and with jumps and group hugs gave free rein to the joy and euphoria for the feat achieved in 2022 by the Argentine national team.

Also present at the ceremony were the vice mayor of the city of Córdoba, Javier Pretto; Alicia La Terza, Secretary of Education and Héctor “Pichi” Campana, Secretary of Neighborhood Strengthening and Sports.

To conclude the ceremony, each person who was sworn in received a diploma certifying this emotional experience. The Municipality reaffirmed its commitment to continue providing quality education that provides tools to transform Córdoba and Argentina.

It is worth noting that, unlike what happens with military personnel who take an oath, civilians make a promise to defend the values ​​that the flag symbolizes: freedom, equality and solidarity.

The swearing-in is a solemn act where it not only implies greater responsibility, but also takes a superior being as a witness of the commitment assumed with the defense of the Homeland and the National Constitution.

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