She tried to change the subject and they summoned her

She tried to change the subject and they summoned her
She tried to change the subject and they summoned her

Andrea Arístegui ‘cornered’ Evelyn Matthei and made her acknowledge that she has no history of drug financing in politics, changing that phrase to “I believe” and “I think,” which were harshly criticized by the Mega journalist, for which ended up acknowledging that he does not have the background he said he had.

Then to remain unanswered and say “I prefer to pass” in response to a question he was asked on Channel 13’s morning show, Evelyn Matthei Once again an awkward and complicated moment happened on TV, prey to his statements previous.

After stating that there is financing of drug trafficking in Chilean politicswas summoned by the government and by the national prosecutor Ángel Valencia to hand over the background information to the courts and not to the press, but the mayor maintained her position.

In that context was interviewed by Andrea Arístegui in Megawhere he made the candidate for La Moneda on the right have an uncomfortable moment, who did not know how to respond, tried to change the subject and was summoned on several occasions.

As mayor, you have obligations to deliver the background information to the justice system. when he handles them,” the communicator reminded him, adding that “You said on June 19 that there are people who live very comfortably, we don’t know what they do for a job and some are candidates”.

Isn’t it dangerous to make these complaints without precedent? Because tomorrow anyone can point the finger… Isn’t this a witch hunt?” added Arístrgui.

Complicated, Matthei only responded “the dangerous thing is not to say it, the dangerous thing is to keep it quiet.”

He wanted to talk to “Mrs. Maria”

Andrea Arístegui continued to insist on the irresponsibility of Evelyn Matthei’s statements.

In a moment, and With a nervous smile, the mayor of Providencia wanted to change the topicstopped looking at her interviewer and said to the camera “andor I want to talk to Mrs. María… Excuse me, Mrs. Juanita who lives in a town: Do you believe that there is no candidate who is linked to drug trafficking?

Andrea Arístegui reflected to him that “With this people are going to plant doubt in anyonegovernment, media… Isn’t that entering into a complex topic?”

Matthei responded with another issue that was reflected by the communicator, who became upset and dug deeper into her interviewee.

“Due to the complexity of the subject You have to be very responsible and maybe you are not.“, Told him.

He admits to having no criminal record

After the placement of Arístegui, Evelyn Matthei began to recall cases of judges or prosecutors whose decisions have been questioned and released members of criminal gangs.

I believe they have been extortedpressured or paid (…) All of Chile thinks there is more “What negligence in this case,” said the mayor.

But you have no additional background the ones we all know,” the journalist asked, to which Evelyn Matthei responded with a decisive “no.”

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