Tell your concern to the ‘User Ombudsman’

If you have community concerns or need to solve a problem that affects the neighborhood where you live, this will interest you. Through the ‘User Defender’ column you can report those ‘black spots’ that are disturbing the tranquility of your neighborhood.

This hydrant, located on Paseo España, broke down. The waste of water was enormous!

The ‘User Ombudsman’ is a space that allows journalism to be at the direct service of our community. With this section we want to give citizens voices, so that they can report the problems that affect them and, in the process, connect them with the officials in charge of providing real solutions.

We know that every neighborhood has its unique challenges, from infrastructure issues to environmental concerns and social difficulties.

Therefore, on this page, you can share your concerns with us, among other things, so that Vanguardia can be an effective intermediary between the community and members of local government.

Once we receive your concerns, we are committed to conveying them directly and forcefully to the relevant officials.

And as soon as we obtain the proper official responses, they will be recorded in the local editions of Vanguardia and, of course, also on our digital platforms.

Not only does this allow us to report more deeply and meaningfully, it also gives us the opportunity to work together to build a more just and prosperous environment for all.

Through Vanguardia’s ‘User Ombudsman’ we reaffirm our commitment to being an effective bridge between the community and metropolitan authorities, facilitating constructive dialogue and, above all, accelerating concrete action for the well-being of the community.

We invite you to actively participate in this journalistic initiative, sending all your concerns to our mailboxes. We are also waiting to receive your graphic records and the different videos at the following email address: [email protected]

Rest assured that all your concerns will have a place in this section of the Metropolitan Area and, of course, each of them will receive the appropriate official response.


San Francisco area

“I hereby request that you report the appropriation of public space by cars and motorcycles in our neighborhood. Such invasion takes away space from pedestrians. I am sending you a photograph taken on the block of 23rd and 24th streets in San Francisco.

Sincerely, Luis Giovanni Arias Jaimes

Answer: The director of Bucaramanga Transit, Carlos Enrique Bueno Cadena, promised to lead a campaign to recover public space in that sector.


36th Street and 13th Avenue corner.
36th Street and 13th Avenue corner.

“For more than four years, the building that exists on Calle 36 and Carrera 13 corner has been abandoned. This property became a guard for thieves and a source of contamination, due to the proliferation of pests of mosquitoes, rodents and other vermin. “I would like you to publish the photograph that shows this problem.”

Sincerely, Regina Gonzalez.

Answer: The Municipality assures that, “until the works of the Plan Centro, area of ​​jurisdiction of this property, are completed, adjustments to that building cannot be made.”


Street vendors invade areas of Cabecera del Llano.
Street vendors invade areas of Cabecera del Llano.

“Carreras 33 and 34 in Cabecera del Llano are occupied by street vendors. The sidewalks are invaded, often by these informal vendors and under the permissive gaze of the authorities. What can we do to put an end to these usurpations?”

Sincerely, César Augusto Niño, civic leader of the neighborhood.

Answer: The mayor of Bucaramanga, Jaime Andrés Beltrán Martínez, has announced that he will redouble control operations in this exclusive area. It will dawn and we will see!


Paseo del Comercio with 14th Street.
Paseo del Comercio with 14th Street.

In this section had reported the damage that was recorded with this public service network of Paseo del Comercio.

Paseo del Comercio sector.
Paseo del Comercio sector.

Behind the According to a news report, local authorities proceeded with the respective replacement of the grid. Good job!

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