They found a cemetery in Loan’s grandmother’s house and the images are terrifying: “A buried child”

They found a cemetery in Loan’s grandmother’s house and the images are terrifying: “A buried child”
They found a cemetery in Loan’s grandmother’s house and the images are terrifying: “A buried child”

Loan Danilo Peña He has been missing for 15 days and the hypotheses increasingly point to more suspects. In this context, it was revealed that his grandmother Catalina It has a cemetery with nine graves and the details are chilling.

They report that the person who was seen in Córdoba with Loan had a Corrientes tune

Loan Case: They found a cemetery in their grandmother’s house in the middle of the exhaustive search

There are nine tombs here. Evidently the grave of a little one too, if I’m not mistaken. Everything is surrounded, these are all of Loan’s relatives,” one of the journalists launched on the air of Chronicle while walking around the place.

There is a cemetery, but this one is private.. It’s family, that’s why it’s in this sector. There are some older ones, the oldest tombs are here as well as the one behind,” she added when they looked at the names on the tombstones.

You said there was a child buried there?“, they asked him terrified. “Of course, yes,” she managed to respond before losing connection. Despite this, she was able to be seen in the images and suspicions grew.

“I’m very bad, I am sinking little by little due to the absence of my grandson. “I’m dying,” were some of the phrases that the child’s grandmother mentioned in the middle of the investigation.

A cemetery was found at Loan’s grandmother’s house and the images are terrifying: “A child was buried”

The key testimony of the woman who said she saw Loan in a neighborhood in Córdoba: “A hooded boy”

One by one, who are all those arrested for the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña?

For the moment, the retired Navy captain is accused Carlos perez and the former municipal official Maria Victoria Caillava. Both are accused as material co-authors of the recruitment of the child for the purpose of exploitation.

On the other hand, they are also under suspicion Antonio Benitez and Mónica del Carmen Millapi for being main collaborators in the crime involving Loan along with Daniel “Fierrito” Ramirez.

Finally, another of those arrested is the commissioner Walter Macielaccused of helping to conceal the crime due to the seriousness of the preceding crime and the author’s status as a public official.

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