Misiones extended the validity of the Ahora program seeking to alleviate the fall in consumption

Misiones extended the validity of the Ahora program seeking to alleviate the fall in consumption
Misiones extended the validity of the Ahora program seeking to alleviate the fall in consumption

It was the latest announcement made by Governor Hugo Passalacqua on Friday. “These purchase plans that benefit missionary families with important refunds and the possibility of purchases in interest-free installments, will remain in force until September 30, 2024,” said the first provincial leader.

Legislature created the Provincial Institute of Burns and Plastic Surgery

It will operate in the “Dr. Ramon Madariaga.” In addition, the deputies resolved to expropriate land to ensure the provision of water in Colonia Alberdi.

This Thursday afternoon, in their 8th session of the year, provincial legislators turned into laws two projects that deal with central themes of the Missionary Parliament: health and public services.

First, the chamber addressed the project of deputy Carlos Rovira that proposes to create the Provincial Institute of Burns and Plastic Surgery

Secondly, a project of the Executive Branch consisting of declaring of public utility and subject to sale or expropriation, a property in Colonia Chapá, Municipality of Colonia Alberdi, Department of Oberá, for the purpose of supplying and providing drinking water for urban and suburban residents of the municipality.


Misiones signed four strategic agreements with the CFI to consolidate the economic and social development of the province

Governor Hugo Passalacqua received the general secretary of the Federal Investment Council (CFI), Ignacio Lamothe, and agreed to sign four strategic agreements to promote the agricultural sector, tourism, the cultural industry, enterprises led by women and the economy of the knowledge.

Governor Hugo Passalacqua met with the Secretary General of the CFI, Ignacio Lamothe, and signed three key and strategic agreements for the development of the province. Later, in a meeting with entrepreneurial women and businesswomen, they presented the expansion of a fourth agreement in conjunction with the CFI.


They estimate that to put the San Javier Sugar Mill in good condition, about US$30 million would be needed.

The president of the Institute for Circular Macroeconomics, Roque Gervasoni, said in statements to the Cadena de Noticias program broadcast by C6Digital that “it would not be a bad idea to transform the facilities of the factory located in San Javier into a museum.”

“I think a museum would not be a bad idea. It would not be a bad idea if we could at some point, with national or international funds, have something smaller, more modern. We could talk about alcohol, rum, but today, to get that facility up and running and in excellent condition, it would cost something like 30 million dollars,” he said.

Gervasoni said that there were people who were interested in coming to invest “but they have seen the limitations.” “I had the role of saying at the time that this does not work,” he said.


The real estate growth of Posadas exceeds that of other cities in the NEA, they highlight

Real estate broker Mariela Amarilla, new President of the College of Public Real Estate Brokers of Misiones, attributed this positioning to economic activity and the interest of investors in the capital of Misiones who once again looked at the Paraná River based on road connectivity works, such as the extensive riverside coastline, among other factors linked to the multiple services.

During her visit to the Cadena de Noticias program broadcast on the C6Digita channel, Amarilla commented that they are working on an interdisciplinary issue “which is fundamental for the development of the activity.”



Compendium of Laws: “It clearly speaks of the integration of the three Powers of the State at the service of the citizen,” said Herrera Ahuad

The president of the Legislature, Oscar Herrera Ahuad, said that the Compendium of Laws delivered this Wednesday morning is of “enormous use for the population in general.”

She then thanked the First Vice President of the House of Representatives, Carlos Rovira, for having promoted it “but also for generating an opening of this Digest and its technical team, on behalf of Silvana Pérez and the entire Digest team, to be able to do what are called extramural activities, that is, to go a little beyond what are the walls of the legislative sphere.”

Herrera Ahuad maintained that this requires commitment to work “but at the same time the benefit is also in the efficiency of the task of the person who receives this compendium of laws and who exclusively addresses the area where they manage, call it a ministry, call it a private institution, health, industry, issues that make the private educational area public.


Treat: “There is concern that a case like #Loan will be repeated, if something is not done thoroughly legally,” they warn from the Missionary Justice

The Public Defender of the Civil and Commercial Court of Appeals of the First Official District, Pablo Federico Padula, was on the program Cadena de Noticias, which is broadcast on the C6Digital channel, where he referred to the adoption system and the problem of human trafficking. “The contact between these two realities that sometimes intersect,” he observed.

«We have been in contact with this reality, especially throughout my entire judicial career, especially from the first instance defense office where there was a very interesting fight, especially from 2009 – 2010 to straighten procedures, ways of acting that “They had put us on the front page of the national media, really with a very negative image,” lamented the Defender.

Herb producers expressed their support for Passalacqua in its efforts to recover the Inym

Governor Hugo Passalacqua received herbal producers, representatives of cooperatives and production and the Minister of Agriculture and Production, to address a global agenda of issues that affect the herbal family of Misiones.

At a meeting held at the Government House, producers, representatives of cooperatives, members of the Ministry of Agriculture and other representatives of the yerba mate sector met with Governor Hugo Passalacqua to thank him for the various efforts made by the Province to the Nation to protect producers and to express their commitment and support for any future action in this regard.

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