Informal currency market prices in Cuba today

This is how the prices of the informal currency market in Cuba appear today on June 29. After several days of stability, the cost of the US dollar, the euro and the Freely Convertible Currency (MLC) is bought and sold like this today.

The informal currency market in Cuba has experienced changes in its values ​​during the last 24 hours. Below, we present the most recent information on the price of foreign currencies, courtesy of Directorio Cubano, following information from alternative media such as El Toque and from official sources, such as the Central Bank.

We give you the options of how the prices of the informal currency market in Cuba are handled today, in addition to the official exchange rates this weekend, according to reports from Cuban banks.

Currency prices in Cuba today. Informal market

According to the most recent data from Toque, the price of the US dollar (USD) in the Cuban informal market has not experienced changes compared to the previous day. This means that the USD maintains its value at 360 Cuban pesos (CUP).

Is the same true for the Euro in the European zone and the MLC? Yes, there are no variations, at least on the morning of June 29, something that may change. The Euro is bought and sold today at 375 Cuban pesos and the MLC at 305 pesos on average.

As we always remember, the prices of currencies in Cuba today, that average is not always the same throughout the country. It’s just a representation. What happens in Las Tunas is not the same as in Artemisa.

The exchange rates we present to you reflect an approximate average calculated from offers published on social networks. This information is used by Toque as a basis to establish its reference exchange rate for the informal currency market in Cuba. They are not official, nor are they the “true truth.” They are references.

As for officialdom, this is how the official exchange rates of the Central Bank of Cuba appear.


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