«You are ready to be each another Christ in the middle of the world»

The Holy Cathedral of Cordoba has hosted this Saturday, on the solemnity of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the ordination of eight new priests for the diocese of Córdoba and for the universal Church. This is Paco Aguilar, from Montilla; Álvaro Fdez.-Martos, from Cordoba (Christ the King); Paco Flores, from Cordoba (Hope); Javi Gonzalez, from Cordoba (Saint Nicholas); Juan Yersin (Neocatechumenal); Javi Montes, from Doña Mencía; Miguel Angel Moyano, (Neocatechumenal); and Javier Calmaestra, from Priego de Cordoba.

The celebration was presided over by the Bishop of Córdoba, Monsignor Demetrio Fernández, and co-celebrated by members of the Chapter and priests of the diocese, with music from the orchestra and choir of the Holy Cathedral and the choir of the San Pelagio seminary.

During the ordination of the priests, the bishop recalled the work of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, martyrs like many other faithful to Christ, “whose blood has become seed of new Christians». The prelate stressed that “we do not gloat in his torment, but rather we perceive that his love has been stronger than the difficulty. “Saint Peter and Saint Paddy experienced martyrdom in Rome, a place that has been the epicenter of Catholicism and its expansion throughout the world.”

Now, like the two saints, these new priests will become “new men to prolong Jesus Christ wherever you are sent,” said the bishop, who added that “today is the day of your consecration. Beware of falling into officialdom and do not forget that you are beings who have been transformed so that, through the action of the Holy Spirit and the laying on of hands, you may be converted into ministers of Christ: each one of you will be another Christ in the middle of the worlda personal extension of God.”

During his speech, the bishop emphasized the need to growth of the presbyterywhich “must be renewed in the new sap. And this promotion has been particularly abundant. All Christian people are deeply happy to have eight new priests for the service of the diocese and the universal Church.

«Win many believers for Jesus Christ»

Fernández has recommended that priests not leave “a single day of your life without Eucharistbecause it would be an empty day”, and has praised the role of the priests who have been serving Jesus Christ for years, and who are an “example” for those who are now ordained.

In addition, the bishop reminded the candidates of their role in “winning many faithful for Jesus Christ, but not through proselytism or imposition: faith is not imposed, it is proposed with joy. Your life will be enormously fertile Through the ministry you receive thousands of people to whom your visible influence will reach.

He also warned them that “there will be days when you will even have the impression that Your life is useless, but how can it be useless if you love Jesus? As long as this is the case, that life will be enormously fruitful.

“The Church cannot live without priests, the diocese of Córdoba needs them,” continued Monsignor Fernández, who told the candidates that “you will not earn money, only enough to survive poorly; but you will be able to serve contemporary and future man in something as beautiful as it is give him eternal life. Because this is not covered by Social Security or any pension plan: eternal life is only given by God through his ministers.


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