“The challenge of entrepreneurship”: Sofía Calvo gave a talk in Santa Fe

“The challenge of entrepreneurship”: Sofía Calvo gave a talk in Santa Fe
“The challenge of entrepreneurship”: Sofía Calvo gave a talk in Santa Fe

On Friday afternoon, the entrepreneur training cycle began, a meeting organized by councilor Laura Mondino in conjunction with the Centro de Estudios Nexo, Territorio de Ideas. This first meeting was attended by local psychologist and writer, Sofía Calvo.

The event began at 5:30 p.m. at Festram (Av. Freyre 1635). Admission was free and required a non-perishable food item to collaborate with the solidarity campaign carried out by the Socialist Youth for the benefit of social organizations in the city.

The hall was packed with people of all ages, but especially young people. At the start of the meeting, the socialist councillor emphasised that: “According to INDEC data, today there are more than one and a half million unemployed people. The truth is that we cannot be oblivious to this problem, that is why, from our place, together with the Nexo Study Center, we propose these training courses.”

This training is dedicated not only to entrepreneurs, but also, “for those who already have a business underway, for all those who are potential entrepreneurs, who have an idea for a project and who perhaps still do not dare to take it on.” Mondino said. He also expressed his gratitude and happiness at having Ms. Calvo for this first meeting: “She will provide us with tools and motivation on how to get started or move forward with the ideas we have. We are very happy to have her with us today.”

Sofía Calvo is from Santa Fe, she studied a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at the Catholic University of Santa Fe. She is the author of the book “The Crystal Generation: Family Society and Other Links of the 21st Century” and currently hosts the program “Nothing We Don’t Know” on Luzu TV. For some time now, Sofía has used social networks to work on her image, communicate about mental health, keeping in touch with her patients and with the community in general. In this sense, she considers herself “just another entrepreneur.”

The graduate explained that “We have to give value to what we want to do. There are many advantages when starting a business and it is very important to know how to manage fear, anxiety and, above all, frustration.”. In turn, he made it clear that social networks “are a key tool to be able to grow in what we want to do as entrepreneurs.”

In addition, he referred to the entrepreneurs of our city: “Santa Fe is a great center of entrepreneurship. I am very happy to see some entrepreneurs who started doing things by hand and today have large companies that even generate employment.”

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