Hurricane threatens nine departments of Colombia: Ideam activated alert for tropical cyclone

Hurricane threatens nine departments of Colombia: Ideam activated alert for tropical cyclone
Hurricane threatens nine departments of Colombia: Ideam activated alert for tropical cyclone

Ideam notified nine departments of the possible arrival of a hurricane – credit @HenríquezMax/X

The Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Ideam) warned of the possible arrival of a hurricane that could impact up to nine departments in Colombia.

The warning comes after Tropical Depression No. 02, located over the tropical Atlantic Ocean, began a process of rapid intensificationwhich could turn it into a tropical storm and, later, a hurricane.

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These predictions indicated that there was a possibility that during the night of Friday, June 28, the depression would transform into a tropical storm under the name Beryl.

Likewise, Beryl is expected to reach hurricane status on Sunday, June 30 and enter the Caribbean Sea basin in the early hours of Monday, July 1. According to Ghisliane Echeverry, director of Ideam, There is an “85% chance of a much more intense season”exceeding the expectations of previous years, as noted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) of the United States.

“There is an 85% probability that the season will be ‘much more intense,'” said Ghisliane Echeverry – credit Colprensa

The Ideam issued a surveillance alert for the departments that could be directly affected: La Guajira, Magdalena, Atlántico, Bolívar, Sucre, Córdoba, Antioquia, Chocó, San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina. In light of this situation, the entity recommends that these departments activate contingency plans and preparation protocols.

Andrea Devis-Morales, PhD in Oceanography and professor of the Earth System Sciences program at the Universidad del Rosario, said Network+ News that the formation of a hurricane is “very likely.” Meanwhile, renowned meteorologist Max Henríquez added: “The intensity of this storm in formation is noticeable.”

For this reason, Ideam advises preparing preventive measures through the National Tropical Cyclone Response Plan and will keep the population informed about the development of this meteorological phenomenon. It is crucial to follow the recommendations and be attentive to the updates issued by the authorities.

The U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) has issued a warning for Tropical Depression No. 2, which could become a hurricane when it reaches the Windward Islands late Sunday night or Monday morning.Hurricane and tropical storm warnings likely required for parts of the Windward Islands and south of Leeward later tonight or early Saturday,” the NHC said.

According to NHC trajectory projections, the phenomenon will pass near northern Colombia and become a hurricane on Tuesday, bringing with it heavy rains, thunderstorms, intense winds and high waves. These conditions could significantly affect various regions, increasing the risk of natural disasters.

Corpoguajira expects tropical depression #2 to strengthen into a hurricane – credit Corpoguajira/X

The Regional Autonomous Corporation of La Guajira (Corpoguajira) said the depression could strengthen to hurricane level as it heads toward the Windward Islands on Sunday night. “It will pass near northern Colombia as a hurricane on Tuesday, bringing the risk of heavy rain, thunderstorms, strong winds, as well as high waves”Corpoguajira said. This alert underscores the importance of local authorities and citizens being prepared for possible evacuations and additional security measures.

Similarly, Ideam predicted that the neutral conditions of the El Niño phenomenon that predominated during the first half of 2024 will continue at least during the months of June and July. However, there is an estimated 65% probability that the cold phase of the La Niña phenomenon will form at the oceanic and atmospheric level between the months of July, August and September. This cold phase could become the predominant phenomenon during the second half of the year and extend into the first months of 2025.

Ideam also warned that the La Niña phenomenon will significantly influence the tropical cyclone season and the second rainy season in the country. This situation could aggravate the climatic effects expected for the region, increasing the frequency and intensity of storms.

“La Niña would become a predominant phenomenon during the second half of this year, and even the first months of 2025significantly influencing both the tropical cyclone season and the second rainy season in the country,” says Ideam.

In accordance with these analyses, both the NHC, Corpoguajira and Ideam urge the population and authorities to stay informed and prepared to face the potential meteorological disasters that are coming. The entities recommend establishing contingency plans, reinforcing vulnerable infrastructure and following official instructions to minimize risks and damages.

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