Misiones producers met to request the veto of the law that prohibits the use of glyphosate

Misiones producers met to request the veto of the law that prohibits the use of glyphosate
Misiones producers met to request the veto of the law that prohibits the use of glyphosate

Darío Bruera, president of the Federation of Rural and Forestry Associations of Misiones (FARM), was the spokesperson for the producers, who argued the negative impacts that this measure could have on the local agricultural sector.

“This call is not minor,” he highlighted during the meeting, highlighting the lack of prior consultation with the agricultural sector before the approval of the provincial law. “When the law was made, we were never called to debate,” he lamented, emphasizing that producers did not have the opportunity to discuss viable alternatives to glyphosate nor were they offered a clear transition plan.

The president of FARM argued that glyphosate is essential to maintain competitiveness and reduce costs in Misiones agricultural activities, due to its effectiveness in weed control. “This ban puts our productive activities at risk,” he warned, pointing out possible significant economic repercussions for the sector.

Bruera also questioned the scientific basis behind the ban, citing international backing for glyphosate as safe for agriculture in more than 180 countries. “There is no study showing that glyphosate is harmful to human health,” he said, refuting concerns about the herbicide’s adverse effects.

Producers from Misiones are… by José Mauricio Martínez

In terms of agricultural policy, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the lack of a clear strategy and the absence of direct participation by producers in the development of legislative decisions affecting the sector.

Given this situation, producers from Misiones urged the provincial government to review the law and consider vetoing the article that prohibited the use of glyphosate, with the aim of protecting productive activities and ensuring a regulatory framework that favors the sustainable development of the agricultural sector in Misiones.

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