The moving story of a woman from Santa Fe who seeks to know her identity and suspects the appropriation of her children

The moving story of a woman from Santa Fe who seeks to know her identity and suspects the appropriation of her children
The moving story of a woman from Santa Fe who seeks to know her identity and suspects the appropriation of her children

The story of a well-known Santa Fe woman who seeks to discover her origins

In the midst of the search for Loan Peña in Corrientes and the suspicion within the investigative lines that the little boy has been the victim of a human trafficking network, the santafesina Ivana Guidotti told her personal story crossed by appropriation.

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Ivana was born in the city of Rosario, according to her birth certificate. She grew up as the only daughter in a couple of Italian and Russian descent, made up of Juan Carlos and Delia del Valle, in the city of Santa Fe, who could not have children. Her mother had lost two pregnancies.

When he began to become aware, Questions about some issues in his life grew and the answers he received seemed insufficient..

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Ivana Guidotti is a woman from Santa Fe who learned at the age of 16 from a classmate that “She was adopted.” There she began her fight to know her origins.

Maiquel Torcatt / Aire Digital

“Every time they asked me at school for my birth certificate, my parents went to Rosario to get it. When I asked my parents or my aunts why my parents were blond, with light eyes, and I had brown hair, they got nervous or uncomfortable,” Ivana recalled.

The woman confirmed her suspicions when she was 16, in a very particular episode: “They were going to operate on my father and I said to a friend ‘come with me to pray at the chapel’ and she replied ‘why, if you’re adopted’. That was when I finally confirmed what I suspected. I took my friend’s attitude badly and never spoke to her again, but the news didn’t distress me.”

Ivana She came home from school and asked her mother if she was adopted. The woman became very nervous and, without giving any answer, she only managed to offer her some tea.

Ivana received confirmation from her parents about her appropriation

When her third child was born, Ivana, then 26 years old, was worried because her first daughter had died of a brain tumor. She was afraid that there may be some genetic pathology. She called her parents to dinner and, crying, begged them to tell her the truth.

“They told me ‘we went to look for you in Rosario (that’s an appropriation), we listed you as our daughter and we were very afraid. We came without knowing anything, the midwife offered to know who your biological mother was, but we didn’t want to know anything “We were very afraid the whole trip,” Ivana said.

Ivana He asked them how they found out about his birth, but the response – evasive – did not convince him..

“I’m not the only one, there are many of us who are in this situation. The appropriators were sold the story that we are children of medical students in Rosario, of different midwives,” said Ivana, who claims that this is a common practice.

After confirmation of her appropriation, Ivana mourned and then began the path of searching for her identity. In 2010 she was able to find, in Rosario, the midwife and the doctor who intervened in her birth. At that time they were both close to 80 years old.

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In the heart of Rosario, she wrote a letter to the midwife, the woman read it, contacted her and some time later they met. Ivana expressed to the woman the need to know her origins.

“My mother always told me that I had been a very special case. When I met the midwife, she told me that my biological mother was very similar to me and that ‘you were a very special case for Dr. Fonseca,'” he said. the interviewee.

That same day, in Rosario, Ivana checked the phone book to find Dr. Fonseca’s number. She called him and told him that she was looking for her origins. “He told me that he didn’t remember anything, that he had nothing to do with it. Suddenly he forgot everything,” Ivana said.

“I have nothing to reproach my parents for, they told me that they only paid for my biological mother’s hospitalization. My mother passed away and she didn’t tell me anything else, only that I could be from a town near Rosario. Nobody in the family asked, they were very well kept secrets,” explained Ivana.

The interviewee clarified that in this fight she was a little more accompanied by her father than by her mother (now deceased). Her father, with some deterioration due to her age, told her that she is the daughter of a single mother from a town near Rosario.

According to the father, the doctor contacted the company where he worked to inform them of Ivana’s birth and they went there to pick her up.

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In the midst of his struggle to know his biological parents, suspicion arose about his deceased son/dren whose bodies he did not see.

Maiquel Torcatt / Aire Digital

The parallel story that raises Ivana’s suspicions: the supposed stillborn twins

Ivana was the mother of her first daughter. The girl died at the age of two as a result of a brain tumor. Then, she had another child and a third pregnancy, which became more complex.

She had a risky pregnancy, with hemorrhages, she was very controlled. Her doctor was a neighbor of hers, in the city of Santa Fe. When she reached six months of gestation, there were complications and she was admitted to a private clinic to induce labor. She went for a cesarean section and was told that the baby was outside the womb and that she had died.

“I was in shock because they told me that I had been stillborn. They made me sign papers. According to the doctor, it was a power of attorney to study my case. I don’t even know what those papers said,” explained Ivana, who has been living for just over a year. encouraged to talk about the topic.

When her last child was born, the doctor told her “it’s just like the baby you lost.” Ivana spoke to the doctor again in 1997, she asked him for explanations about what had happened and, according to the professional, she had had twins, both deceased since one of them covered the other, which is why only one was seen in the ultrasounds.

Ivana never understood the story as told. She never saw her deceased son or sons, nor was she shown the children’s father. Ivana, full of doubts, stopped seeing her family obstetrician in 2000 and the story has an open ending. The interviewee suspects another possible appropriation: “I don’t know if they are alive or not.”

Ivana fights on behalf of the appropriated children in parallel to the dictatorship

“We were all sold the same story, that we are children of students who couldn’t go home with a baby. I’m still looking for my origins, I’m curious about the similarities,” explained Ivana, who says her story represents many Argentines.

“We are more mobilized by the case of loanbut baby trafficking has always existed, it is not only in Corrientes and Salta. There are cases in Rosario and Santa Fe,” he said.

“Many do not dare to speak. I wonder if we were really given or robbed. My parents from the heart knew what they were doing, but I do not justify them either. They raised me with a lot of love. My biological mother had the courage to come to the last day of pregnancy and being able to say ‘I don’t want to have an abortion.'”

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In 2007, Ivana began her activism with two people: Pedro Guardamagna (Córdoba) and Cecilia Fantini (Santa Fe), who were later joined by Guadalupe Yódice (Santa Fe). They tried to collect signatures to form an NGO that would bring them together, but they were unsuccessful.

“Since 2017 in Santa Fe there has been a law of biological identity and stories can be left in the Human Rights Secretariat of Rosario. The association Searches is committed to the cause,” said Ivana.

“I would love to be able to meet my biological mother and be able to close this chapter. Most of us who were appropriated during the military process, and before too, did not close our story. I keep searching, I keep asking, they are pacts of silence.”

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