An investigation into a background of usury and threats behind a shooting in the Loyola Norte neighborhood

An investigation into a background of usury and threats behind a shooting in the Loyola Norte neighborhood
An investigation into a background of usury and threats behind a shooting in the Loyola Norte neighborhood

The investigation began after a shootout – which broke out on June 17 – against the front of a house on Ponce de León 9000 in the Loyola Norte neighborhood. At that time, the attack was reported to 911 and from the central office they called the agents of the Infantry Guard Corps who arrested the main suspect.

This is a 38-year-old man, identified as Luis C.who remains behind bars and waiting to be formally charged in a hearing to be held in court next July 4thThe indictment will be handled by the prosecutor of the case, Ignacio Lascurain, who ordered the arrest of the alleged loan shark.

READ MORE ► Violent Santa Fe: shootings, extortion, credit cards, a million-dollar sum and one detainee

According to police sources, the man from Santa Fe was found with nearly 10 million pesos, firearm ammunition and multiple debit and credit cards from banks and credit institutions.

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The suspect remains behind bars awaiting his arraignment hearing.

As a result of this kidnapping, an investigation was initiated that, after a series of interviews, detected that the lender was retaining debit and credit cards from its clients to guarantee payment of the informal loans it made.

The Prosecutor’s Office believes that the man from Santa Fe managed to obtain payment for the loans using this method of payment. “He lent money and the debtors gave him the cards as a guarantee for payment of the installments,” said a source linked to the case.

In this case, several cardholders were interviewed, so based on these testimonies it will be determined how the prosecutor frames the case.


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