How to apply for Google scholarships for young people in Santa Fe

How to apply for Google scholarships for young people in Santa Fe
How to apply for Google scholarships for young people in Santa Fe

The proposal is designed to prepare, train and develop professionals in basic IT support roles, complemented by a module on socio-emotional skills, mentoring and support for job placement.

Specifically, Junior Achievement will award scholarships to 100 young people aged 18 to 25 from AMBA, Mar del Plata, Cordova, rosary beads and San Juan.

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Who You can sign up and how?

Registration is open and You can sign upyoung people between 18 and 25 years old who live in the provinces of Córdoba and Santa Fein the northern belt of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires, in the city of Mar del Plata and in the departments of Jáchal and Iglesias in the Province of San Juan.

After the selection process, the program will last 5 months, with a total dedication of 332 hours with daily synchronous classes for the first 3 months. Likewise, it has an online modality with support from employability tutors and professional mentors from the IT sector.

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The good news for young people from Santa Fe is that for those applicants who are not selected for the IT Support scholarships, Junior Achievement in Santa Fe will provide free programs in Digital and Financial Education.

“We have an alliance with Google, through which we organize different educational scholarships. In this case, they will benefit young people interested in IT Support, with a five-month course, three of them in technical and humanistic education and two in employability where mentors from the Foundation will participate,” he said. Maria Eugenia RussoGeneral Coordinator of Education for the Province of Santa Fe of Junior Achievement.

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A program aimed at filling vacancies in the sector with the highest demand for youth employment

Unemployment affects nearly 20% of the young population in the country, and the numbers are worse in the most vulnerable sectors. That is why Junior Achievement directs these scholarships and its plans and programs especially to young people who need to enter the labor market immediately.

In relation to its alliance with Google, since 2020, Junior Achievement has granted scholarships to more than 550 students and thanks to this, more than 45% of the graduates work in the technology sector in technical support, help desk, systems administration, testers and development.

Technology is my future, it is my profession and it is what I want to do every day. The program was a turning point in my life and having the technical support certificate opened many doors for me. Today I can work from home for the world.“, he commented Guillermina Aguileragraduate of the course and Sr. Salesforce consultant at Proyecto Tribo.

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In this sense, the technology sector is one of the most attractive. According to estimates by the Chamber of Software and IT Services Companies (CESSI)the area has had a demand for between 10,000 and 15,000 unfilled positions for years.

For this reason, the training not only includes training in technical content, but also complements it with support and tools for job placement in a high-demand area such as the IT sector.

“Certification programs provide endless opportunities for young people. They are experiences that link them with work that is often unthinkable and have a transformative power. In these years, we have accompanied thousands of young people in their job searches and we have closely experienced the impact that our initiatives have on the lives of graduates, their families, and their communities. We know that the technology sector has great potential and we make a huge effort to expand the scope and scale of our offer to ensure that more young people can take advantage of them to transform their future,” says Bernardo Brugnoli, director of Junior Achievement in Argentina.

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