Despite the postponement of electricity and gas, July arrives with six increases that put pressure on inflation

Despite the postponement of electricity and gas, July arrives with six increases that put pressure on inflation
Despite the postponement of electricity and gas, July arrives with six increases that put pressure on inflation

He National Telecommunications Entity (ENACOM) officially eliminated regulations that established a cap on internet, cell phone and cable rates. The limit for increases was between 5% and 10% per month, but from now on companies have the green light to set the prices they consider most convenient.although in practice the release was already in force.

It is a decision of its interveners Juan Martin Ozores, Patricia Roldan and Alejandro Pereyra, framed in the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) No. 302/2024, which annulled DNU No. 690/2020, which declared services as essential and strategic public services and granted ENACOM the power to regulate rates. The regulations will formally come into force on the day of their publication, so they will begin in July.

cell phones

ENACOM eliminated the limits on the values ​​of the services provided by telephone, cable and Internet companies.

ENACOM has eliminated limits on the prices of services provided by telephone, cable and Internet companies.

“ICT Services licensees will set their prices, which must be fair and reasonable, cover operating costs and aim for efficient provision and a reasonable operating margin,” the recitals state.

long distance trains

From July, the price of long-distance train tickets will also increase. The ticket will cost 20% more than June and, for example, the trip Buenos Aires-Mar del Plata will cost between $30,000 and $36,000. The increase includes routes that go to other provinces such as Cordova either Santa Febut also towns in Buenos Aires such as Energetic either Pehuajó. While the ticket to Córdoba rose in first class from $3,155 to $23,000 in the Milei era, to Pehuajó, for example, from $2,450 to $18,000 (635%).


Contracts that have been signed within the framework of the Rental Law will have a 244% increase in July because the update of the annual price through the Lease Contract Index (ICL) corresponds. This procedure must be followed until the contract ends, even if the rule has been repealed by Milei.

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Contracts signed under the old Rental Law will increase by 244%.

Contracts signed under the old Rental Law will increase by 244%.

Photo: AGLP

The provision applies to rentals that began between July 1, 2020, and October 17, 2023. With this adjustment, if a tenant is currently paying $110,000, they will now pay $378,400.


Although the Minister of Economy of the Nation, Luis Caputo, postponed the entry into force of most of the increase in taxes on fuels, gasoline and diesel will increase from July between 5% and 7%, because the Government authorized a minimum increase in the taxes that will have an impact of only 1% on the pumps. To this increase, in addition, an additional 2% must be added due to the monthly devaluation (crawling peg) and another 2% due to the increase in the prices of biofuels for blending.

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In this frame, The price of a liter of fuel, depending on the company, will be adjusted between 5% and 7%. In Buenos Aires, this will imply an average increase of about 70 pesos per liter in super gasoline.


Water will also increase by 50% starting in July in 94 cities in the province of Buenos Aires, which have the service provided by Buenos Aires Waters SA (ABSA). The increase completes the 250% tariff update proposed by the company and authorized by the provincial government at the end of April, which was divided into two stages, with the first increase of 200% being applied to bills in May and the second of 50% in July.

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Although the Government stopped the increases in electricity and gas, water will increase by 50% in 96 districts of the province of Buenos Aires.

Although the Government stopped the increases in electricity and gas, water will increase by 50% in 96 districts of the province of Buenos Aires.

The new adjustment in water bills, which covers both metered and unmetered service, will bring the value of the module or cubic meter to $72.54. In this way, the average bill will be $3,656.62 per month. However, a property valued between $150,000 and $200,000 will pay $6,819 for both services.

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