Ernesto Belloni’s explanation for Lola Melnyck’s “hatred” of Chile

Ernesto Belloni’s explanation for Lola Melnyck’s “hatred” of Chile
Ernesto Belloni’s explanation for Lola Melnyck’s “hatred” of Chile

Belloni added that “he had a career more of controversy than of talent. She was always treated like she came from a bad background, that frustrated her a lot.”

Ernesto Belloni wanted to join the controversy generated by the words of Lola Melnyck, who on numerous occasions has made clear his aversion to Chile, after his successful stint on the program Morandé con Compañía.

This, after the former Ukrainian star assured that she would never return to our country, since she revealed that in Chile she went through a series of episodes that she described as “the worst of my life.”

“The truth is that what I experienced in Chile was the worst of my life, so it is clear that I have no absurd affection for that time and that I have no desire to return, or anything like that,” said Lola Melnyck, who currently resides in Brazil.

But the European went further and fired at her Chilean followers, whom she tried to “chulenitos tontitos”.

Faced with this situation, comedian Ernesto Belloni offered a theory regarding Lola Melnyck’s “hatred” of Chile.

“I don’t understand her expression that we Chileans were stupid, I don’t understand it. What yes, She hoped to associate with the high class and high society in Chile, but she was never able to get away from her dancers or her group of people who were not from high society. So that was a little frustration that he had,” he explained in With you in the Morning.

Belloni added that “He had a career full of controversy rather than talent. She was always treated as if she came from a bad background, which frustrated her a lot.”

“I don’t know why he took us a little wrong. Surely because when she went to Brazil, no one came looking for her to return to Chile, no one asked her to stay.”he sentenced.


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